
  1. 一辆驿车刚到达山脚下。

    A tram was just arriving at the hill foot .

  2. 珍妮和皮帕刚从山上走回家。

    Jane and Pippa have just returned from walking in the hills .

  3. 我刚从山的那边来,

    I have come back from beyond the mountains .

  4. 太阳刚落山,他们离开大路来到一个古井旁一片植被茂盛的地方歇息。

    Just after sunset , they left the road to rest in an overgrown yard beside an old stone well .

  5. 太阳刚落山,海面上便刮起阵阵微风,吹得树林沙沙作响,也在锚地灰色的水面上掀起了层层涟漪。

    The sun had just set , the sea breeze was rustling and tumbling in the woods , and ruffling the grey surface of the anchorage ;

  6. 一些刚从山上徒步两天到耿达的受困灾民,争相递来平安字条,希望记者出去后转告家人。

    Some of the people who walk through the mountains to reach the town of Gengda during two days , passed the reporter notes to tell their families that they are safe .

  7. 我刚得知Headington山上的莫莱尔学生宿舍有间屋子是空着的。

    I 've just heard there 's a room free in Morrell Hall on Headington hill .

  8. 当我门刚从狗山远足回到家里,我老公对我说:这次的远足对你来说不算太难,所以我不得不给你另一次更加艰难的训练。

    When we just came back home from dog mountain hiking , my husband said to me : this hiking to you was not hard , so I have to give you another tough training .

  9. 刚过这座山,路就分岔了。

    Just over the hill the road forks .