
  • 网络Rigid Body Dynamics
  1. 该方法采用非结构动网格,显式NND有限体积格式,求解非定常Euler方程,并耦合了刚体动力学方程。

    The unsteady , compressible Euler equations are solved on dynamic unstructured grids by explicit , finite volume NND scheme , and , the fluid dynamics and rigid body dynamics equations are coupled .

  2. 拟订了机械臂的工作原理,建立了机械臂的受控动力学方程,运用优化算法设计了PD控制器的增益,计算了机械臂在不同角度下的刚体动力学响应。

    The working principle of mechanical arm was drew up , the dynamics equation of mechanical arm being controlled was established , the gain of PD controller was designed by the use of optimized algorithm , and the rigid body dynamics response of mechanical arm under different angles was calculated .

  3. 多刚体动力学的STEP描述及其映射研究

    STEP Description of Multi-Rigid-Body Dynamics and its Mapping Research

  4. 车辆悬架多刚体动力学分析及PID控制研究

    Multi-body Dynamic Analysis of Vehicle Suspension and PID Control

  5. 使用现有的产品数据表达与交换标准STEP只能描述CAD模型几何、拓扑和部分运动学信息,对多刚体动力学特征的描述一直是特征模型中的一个空白。

    But there are only basic info of geometry , topology and partial kinematics in the CAD model in STEP . The description on feature of multi-rigid-body dynamics is hardly blank .

  6. 本文以类Diamond机构为研究对象,逐步开展逆运动学分析、刚体动力学分析、尺度综合、虚拟样机设计与模态预估等研究。

    This thesis investigates into some issues on the inverse kinematics analysis , rigid dynamic analysis , dimensional synthesis , virtual prototyping design and modal estimate of the Diamond-like mechanism .

  7. 利用动力学软件ADAMS对管片拼装机进行不同工况条件的多刚体动力学仿真,对比分析结果,得到管片拼装机工况条件下拼装机大梁的载荷情况。

    Multi-rigid-body dynamics simulation was made by the dynamics software ADAMS on different working conditions . Comparing the results , we can get the loading condition of erector-bridge .

  8. 经典刚体动力学中表示刚体姿态的参数中,Euler角、Cardan角和Euler参数在工程技术中使用最为普遍。

    Among various attitude representations of rigid body , the Euler angles , Cardan angles and Euler parameters are applied frequently in engineering .

  9. 在此基础上,用多刚体动力学分析软件WorkingModel3D建立了样车的四自由度二分之一车体平面振动模型,该模型可以用来模拟研究车辆悬架参数和路面不平激励对其行驶平顺性的影响。

    Then a plane model of vehicle vibration with 4 freedoms is established by means of multi-body dynamic system software . Working Model 3D , which can be utilized to research the parameters of suspension and road roughness actuators influences on the ride comfort .

  10. 通过Pro/E软件和动力学分析软件ADAMS联合,建立了高空作业平台的刚体动力学模型,并对其进行了某工况下的仿真分析。

    By Pro / E software and dynamic analysis software ADAMS joint , the establishment of a high-altitude platform for rigid body dynamic model , and its simulation analysis of a certain working conditions .

  11. 本研究以多刚体动力学为基础,通过使用ADAMS动力学仿真,对汽车与行人碰撞事故建模,通过模拟碰撞,得出行人数学模型的伤害指标。

    Based on the multi-body system , the work research the injury index of the mathematics models of pedestrian , by simulating the motion of the pedestrian impacted by vehicle using ADAMS .

  12. 本文将逆系统方法应用于刚体动力学中,运用非线性控制的逆系统方法设计刚体Euler动力学方程的控制器。

    However , its calculating process is complicated in practical application . The author applies the inverse system method to rigid body dynamics system and designs a controller of the Euler dynamic equations .

  13. 概述弹性杆静力学与刚体动力学之间相似性的Kirchhoff理论.这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    The Kirchhoff theory of analogy between the statics of a thin elastic rod and the dynamics of a rigid body about a fixed point is described in this paper .

  14. 6-UPS型并联机构的刚体动力学模型

    Dynamics model on the 6-UPS parallel mechanism

  15. 应用三维建模软件CATIA、多体动力学仿真软件ADAMS和有限元分析软件ANSYS,构造了柴油机曲柄连杆机构的多刚体动力学模型和将连杆柔性化后的多柔体动力学模型。

    By using Three-dimensional modeling software CATIA and Multi body System Dynamics software ADAMS and the Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS , the multi-body dynamics model and make the connecting-rod flexibility for the flexible multi-body dynamics model are created .

  16. 加减速运动条件下6-UPS型并联机床刚体动力学模型简化研究

    Simplification of the rigid body dynamic model for a 6-UPS parallel kinematic machine under the accelerated motion and the decelerated motion

  17. 随着CAE的发展,多刚体动力学软件得到广泛的应用,本文用ADAMS建立了侧风作用下整车的虚拟样机,为研究侧风作用下汽车的运动提供了快捷和方便的方法。

    Along with the development of CAE , many multi-rigid body dynamics software get extensive application . A virtual automobile model in side wind is build to offer swift and convenient method for studying the movement of automobile in side wind disturbance using ADAMS .

  18. 应用I-DEAS软件的CAD模块和多刚体动力学仿真软件ADAMS,构造了提速机车16V柴油机轴系的虚拟样机模型。

    By use of the CAD module of I - DEAS , ADAMS , and the simulation software of multibody kinetics , Virtual Prototype model of the shafting of 16V diesel engine for high - speed locomotive is created .

  19. 本文以多刚体动力学Kane方程的基本形式为出发点,通过对该方程的重新描述,编制了通用的自动建立动力学方程程序。

    This paper is based on the basic form of the Kane equation in multi-rigid body dynam - ics . With recoding the Kane equation , a versatile program to establish automatically dynamic equation is created .

  20. 本文采用多刚体动力学方法建立了麦弗逊悬架和转向系统运动学分析数学模型,并采用MATLAB语言编制该数学模型的运动学分析程序KASS。

    In this dissertation , author creates kinematics mathematical model of McPherson suspension and steering system with multi-rigid-body dynamics theory , and then utilizes MATLAB language to establish kinematics analysis program KASS ( Kinematics Analysis of Suspension & Steering system ) .

  21. 并通过一个算例说明了以上原理的一般运用,最后讨论了本章所提的非保守力概念的丰富含义。第三,推导了刚体动力学的拟Hamilton变分原理和广义拟变分原理。

    General application of those principles is demonstrated in a typical example . The concept of non-conservative force is also discussed in the end . Thirdly , the variational principle and the general variational principle of quasi-Hamilton for dynamics of rigid bodies are deduced .

  22. 首先,应用Pro/MECHANICAMotion建立了压力机曲柄滑块机构的多刚体动力学模型,对该机构进行了运动学和动力学仿真分析,并通过空气弹簧来平衡曲柄滑块机构的惯性力,提高滑块的工作平稳性。

    Firstly , the multi-body dynamics model of the crank and slider mechanism was built up . The kinetic and dynamic simulation analysis was studied using Pro / MECHANICA Motion . The inertia force was balanced by air spring , which could enhance the stability of the slider .

  23. 本文基于德国汉诺威医科大学提供的行人交通事故的数据,使用多刚体动力学人体模型和HBM头部模型进行了三例典型事故的分析和重建工作。

    In this study , three typical pedestrian accidents were analyzed and reconstructed using the multi-body pedestrian model and HBM-head FE model , incorporating data from the Accident Research Unit of the Medical University in Hanover , Germany .

  24. 车载平台刚体动力学模型分析

    An Analysis for Dynamic Model of a Rigid Body on Vehicle-Borne Platform

  25. 刚体动力学中的非线性振动方法

    Application of methods of non-linear oscillations in the dynamics of rigid bodies

  26. 一种计算机建立多刚体动力学方程的方法

    A method for establishing multi-rigid body dynamic equations by computer

  27. 塔式起重机变幅机构运行的刚体动力学仿真

    Rigid body dynamics simulation of trolley mechanism of tower crane

  28. 汽车;动力学模型;仿真;多刚体动力学;

    Vehicle ; Dynamic model ; Simulation ; Dynamics of rigid multibody ;

  29. 共轭运动系统中刚体动力学的研究

    A study on the dynamics of a conjugate motion system

  30. 刚体动力学是一个诱人而复杂的论题。

    The dynamics of rigid bodies is a fascinating and complicated subject .