
  • 网络Perpendicular axis theorem
  1. 否则垂直轴定理不能应用。

    Otherwise the perpendicular axis theorem doesn 't work .

  2. 垂直轴定理的一般形式

    General form of perpendicular axis theorem

  3. 刚体垂直轴定理的推广应用

    The popularization and application of the theorem of vertical axis for rigid body

  4. 刚体转动惯量的垂直轴定理的推广形式

    Generalized form of perpendicular axe theorem about moment of inertia of rigid objects

  5. 利用平行移轴定理计算平面刚体的重心基于垂直轴定理的新型扭摆实验仪的实验研究

    Computation of the Gravity Center of Plane Rigid Body with Parallel Axis Theorem A New Type Torsion Pendulum Experimental Instrument Using Vertical Axis Theorem

  6. 运用垂直轴定理对扭摆进行改进,经改进后的扭摆不仅提高测量转动惯量和材料切变模量的准确度,而且可以直接验证垂直轴定理,了解垂直轴定理的应用。

    This paper put forward a method to improve a torsion pendulum using vertical axis theorem , which can enhance the moment of inertia and the accuracy of material 's shearing modulus and verify the vertical axis theorem and understand the application of vertical axis theorem .

  7. 转轴与平板不垂直时平行轴定理的推导

    Deduction of Theorem of Parallel Axis When Turning Axis Non vertical to Plate