
wèi nǎi
  • nurse;breast-feed;suckle
喂奶 [wèi nǎi]
  • [nurse;breast-feed;suckle] 人或哺乳动物给幼仔奶吃

  • 四个妇女都不能为她们的孩子喂奶

喂奶[wèi nǎi]
  1. 请教大家,我现在该怎么给孩子喂奶?

    To ask you that I now how to breast-feed your baby ?

  2. 大部分权威人士建议婴儿饿了就随时喂奶。

    Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants .

  3. 这只母狮还在给它的幼崽喂奶。

    The lioness is still nursing her cubs .

  4. 该给她用奶瓶喂奶了。

    It 's time for her bottle .

  5. 她批评我不会给他喂奶、不会换尿布。

    She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him

  6. 加里正拿着一个奶瓶给婴儿喂奶。

    Gary was holding a bottle to the baby 's lips .

  7. 她在给婴儿喂奶。

    She was feeding a baby at the breast .

  8. 我不明白她怎能做到一边给孩子喂奶一边打毛衣的。

    I don 't know how she managed to knit while nursing the baby .

  9. 3.lactatevi.分泌乳汁,喂奶另外,母熊也会在这段时间生产、哺乳。

    In addition , females give birth and lactate during this time .

  10. 1例3月龄患儿术后5d喂奶时窒息死亡。

    One patient was 3 months old who had asphyxia at 5 days postoperatively .

  11. 尽管莉莎后来删除了这张照片,但Facebook小组决定继续分享这一照片,以继续支持公众场合母乳喂奶的普及。

    Though Karlesha has since deleted her photo , the Facebook group decided to share the photo as part of their efforts to try and normalize breast-feeding in public .

  12. Baby没法为它们们喂奶,但是它用自己的身体去为小猪们提供温暖。而工作人员们则为小猪们调配好了适合它们食用的奶类制品。

    Although Baby cannot feed the piglets - they are getting all the nutrition they need from a special formula given to them in bottles - she provides all the warmth and comfort that they need .

  13. 近期一个允许国会议庭内母乳喂奶的提议被下院议员SimonBurns谴责,他认为这会使平民百姓耻笑。

    The recent suggestion that breastfeeding should be allowed in the chambers of Parliament has been denounced by MP Simon Burns , who thinks it will open the Commons to ridicule .

  14. 莉莎几天前在“黑人女性母乳喂养”Facebook主页上传了自己的照片,此举是为了支持一位女子写作关注公众场合母乳喂奶的不雅行为问题。

    A couple of days ago she posted the photo on the Facebook page , Black Women Do Breastfeed , to support a woman who wrote of getting dirty looks while nursing in public .

  15. GER参数与喂奶后90min胃排空率呈负相关。

    The parameters of GER had negative correlation with gastric emptying rate after feeding 90 min.

  16. GER的参数与喂奶后60分的胃排空率呈负相关,当胃排空率<45%或<50%时GER阳性率为94.7%和82%。

    After feeding 60 min the parameter of GER had negative correlation with gastric emptying rate . The positive rates of GER were 94.7 % and 82 % while gastric emptying rates were less than 45 % and 50 % respectively .

  17. JoyLawn:“不要在肮脏的地方分娩,将婴儿擦干,保持温暖,立即给婴儿喂奶。这些措施几乎可以使印度农村地区的新生儿死亡率降低一半。”

    JOY LAWN : " Not delivering the baby onto a dirty surface , drying the baby , keeping the baby warm and feeding the baby almost a halving of newborn deaths in very rural areas in India . " ( Field studies show that these simple steps could prevent at least two-thirds of deaths in newborns each year . )

  18. 卖酒的柜台后面坐着一个女人在给孩子喂奶。

    Behind the bar was seated a woman nursing her baby .

  19. 我们供给婴儿营养只需喂奶就够了。

    Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby .

  20. 她在婴孩时寄给人家去喂奶。

    As a baby , she was put out to nurse .

  21. 2006年8月,一名马拉维艾滋病母亲给同样患病的孩子喂奶。

    A HIV-positive mother feeds her HIV-positive child Aug.2006 in Malawi .

  22. 我可不会半夜在啤酒龙头旁边给孩子喂奶

    I 'm not doing late-night feedings by the beer taps .

  23. 喂奶喂得勤一些一般有助于满足婴儿的需求。

    More frequent feeding will usually help to satisfy a baby .

  24. 冠海豹妈妈只在小海豹出生的头一个礼拜给它们喂奶!

    Hooded seal mothers feed their babies milk for just one week !

  25. 该喂奶,换尿布的时候了。

    Time for a feeding and time for a diapering .

  26. 我最喜欢看母狗喂奶了,又温馨,又感人。

    I love watching dog feeding doggies , it 's so warm .

  27. 12点15分的时候,我回到托儿所,打算给卡尔喂奶。

    I returned to the day care at 12:15 to nurse Karl .

  28. 母猫不给小猫喂奶。

    The mother cat refused to nurse her kittens .

  29. 照顾婴儿但不给他喂奶。

    Take care of an infant without breastfeeding it .

  30. 我有六个孩子,并且我还要喂奶。

    I have six kids and I 'm breast-feeding !