
wèi shí
  • feed ;feeding
喂食 [wèi shí]
  • [feed;oral administration] 给予食物

  • 给坐在高脚椅上的幼儿喂食

  1. 喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。

    A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby .

  2. 我们外出期间给猫喂食的事,我已和邻居安排妥了。

    I 've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away .

  3. 宝宝需要就喂食。

    Feed the baby on demand .

  4. 雌鸟可能无法给幼鸟喂食。

    The hen may not be able to feed its young .

  5. 我对如何抱婴儿、如何给婴儿喂食一无所知。

    I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby .

  6. 她把狗放进屋,给它们喂食。

    She let the dogs into the house and fed them

  7. 他打开装黄油饼干的蓝色大罐子,开始沿路给狗喂食。

    He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route

  8. 鹅肝酱的制作需要给鹅和鸭子强行喂食,以使它们的肝胀大起来。

    Production of the foie gras p â t é involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell .

  9. 给马匹喂食饮水了吗?

    Have the horses been fed and watered ?

  10. 这里的小马之所以淘气,是因为海托是旅游重镇,游客们不断地给小马喂食,尽管有人叹着气要求他们不要。

    The reason why the ponies here are naughty is that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods , despite sighs asking them not to .

  11. 我慢慢才接受我可能是那个会拍照记录成长、带她看兽医、给她喂食、洗澡的人,但米斯蒂在第一天就知道了这一点。

    While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots , to schedule her vet appointments , to feed and clean her , Misty knew this on day one .

  12. 鸟儿给他喂食,增强他的力量,把他带回了家。

    The bird fed him , built up his strength and carried him home .

  13. 它们是游泳好手,喜欢在船附近游泳,等待喂食。

    They are good swimmers and like swimming near boats , waiting to be fed .

  14. 他在喂食器里装满了种子,然后将其放在了后院,鸟儿就开始被吸引过来了。

    He filled the feeder with seeds , put it in his backyard and then birds started coming .

  15. 饲养员把他们的大象照顾得很好,给它们喂食,并在工作日结束时给它们洗澡。

    Keepers take excellent care of their elephants , feeding them well and giving them a bath at the end of the working day .

  16. 在这项研究中,研究人员给老鼠喂食干奶粉,这些奶粉是由韩国首尔的研究人员在白天和晚上分别从奶牛身上挤奶制成的。

    In the study , mice were fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night by researchers fron Seoul , South Korea .

  17. 工蜂负责给幼虫喂食。几天之后,它们便会长出坚硬的皮肤,这就是蛹。

    The larva is fed by the working bees , and in a few days it makes for itself a hard skin , and is called a pupa .

  18. 在研究人员们给松鼠的喂食器上喷了松貂的气味后,他们发现只有红松鼠作出了反应,它们在嗅出危险时表现得更警觉。

    When the researchers applied4 pine martens ' scent5 to squirrel-feeding stations , they found that only the red squirrels responded , showing much more vigilance when they sniffed6 out the danger .

  19. 托尼不得不及时给Q猫喂食。

    Tony has to feed Qotto in time .

  20. Balance还提供患者的日常护理建议,如喂食、沐浴和清洁等。

    The Balance app also provides advice on daily care for an Alzheimer 's patient , including feeding , bathing and hygiene .

  21. 对照组喂食基础饲料。对照组(N)给予普通饲料;

    Basic food was given in normal control group . The control group ( N ) was fed by standard diet .

  22. 喂食鸡蛋的清洁级KM小鼠血清中微量元素含量的变化

    Change of the Content of Trace Elements in Serum of Clean KM Mice Feeding with Eggs

  23. 喂食鸡蛋、葵花籽的清洁级KM小鼠血清中5种微量元素含量变化的研究

    Change Study of Serum Contents of 5 Kinds of Trace Elements in Clean KM Mice Feeding with egg and sunflower seed

  24. 大鼠喂食添加紫菜等9种食用海藻的饲料后,均能对其盲肠微生物区系及代谢产物和血清脂质水平产生不同的影响:使肠道中的双歧杆菌数量增加,pH值降低;

    After feeding with nine kinds of laver ( Porphyra spp ), the different effects on microflora , metabolized products and different degree of serum lipid were produced .

  25. 另外,喂食高胆固醇饲料12周同添加维生素E组,甘油三酯和极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度均显著升高(P<0.05)。

    In the group fed with cholesterol , lard and vitamin E for twelve weeks , the TG , CHO , HDL-ch , LDL-ch and VLDL-ch increased obviously and there is .

  26. 年轻的父母们还要避免给BB喂食冲淡了的的婴儿奶粉和含有电解质的小儿饮料。

    Parents should also avoid using over-diluted formula , or pediatric drinks containing electrolytes .

  27. 在那项研究中,日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)的研究人员喂食一组小鼠,使之易于患上啮齿动物的阿尔茨海默症和严重的记忆丧失。

    In it , researchers at Kyoto University in Japan gathered a group of mice bred to have a predisposition to developing a rodent version of Alzheimer 's disease and its profound memory loss .

  28. 西雅图华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashingtoninSeattle)对老鼠的后代展开了实验,其中一些老鼠分泌含SIgA的乳汁,另一些因喂食方法分泌的是不含该抗体的乳汁。

    Experiments at the University of Washington in Seattle were conducted on the offspring of mice that produced breast milk with SIgA and mice bred to produce milk without the antibody .

  29. 活体实验结果也证实,喂食3%GABA能明显抑制食盐负荷大鼠ACE活性的升高。

    In vivo experimental results also showed that the rise of ACE activity in the SHR due to high salt diet was significantly inhibited by addition of 3 % GABA .

  30. 方法:利用被动吸烟的方法建立大鼠IUGR模型,喂食地龙提取物,观察其对胎仔生长、发育的促进作用。

    Methods : After the establishment of IUGR model with passive smoking , rats were fed with earthworm ( Eisenia foelide ) extract .