
wèi liào zhuānɡ zhì
  • drawing-in device
  1. 秸秆螺旋喂料装置工作性能的试验研究

    Working Per for mance of Screw Feeding Device for Straw

  2. 方底糊口纸袋喂料装置的设计计算

    The Design and Calculation of Square Bottle Bags Feeding Unit

  3. 立式磨机非机械式锁风喂料装置的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Non-Mechanical Air Lock Feeder of Roller Mill

  4. 螺旋叶片锥辊辗轧机喂料装置的设计

    The design of material transporting equipment for spiral vane wimble rolling machine

  5. 离心喂料装置的研究及在钻井液固控中的应用

    Feeding Device Applied to Solids Control For Drilling Fluids

  6. 介绍用于水泥等粉、粒状物品包装的方底糊口纸袋制造设备&糊口机喂料装置的工作原理及有关的设计和计算。

    This paper introduced the operating principles of the manufacturing unit to product square bottle bags for powder-like products such as cement , as well as its design and calculation .

  7. 〔提要〕子秤是能满足现代水泥窑燃烧器特殊要求的一种新型的煤粉测重喂料装置。

    Summary 〕 The rotor weigher is a new type of feed device for measuring pulverized coal weight which can satisfy the special demand for burners of modern cement rotary kilns .

  8. 为了深入研究秸秆膨化技术,完善膨化设备的功能,研制了秸秆螺旋喂料装置,并对其工作性能进行了试验研究。

    In order to study deeply the technology of extruding straw and improve the performance of extrusion equipment , screw feeding device for chopped straw was developed , with its working properties tested .

  9. 传统的机械式锁风喂料装置由于在原理、结构和功能等方面的问题,难以满足立式磨机强负压系统的锁风要求。

    It is very difficult for traditional mechanical air lock feeder to meet the demands of locking the air in the high negative pressure system of a roller mill because of problems existed in its principle , structure and function .

  10. 同时从温控装置、喂料装置和机头测压装置介绍了挤出机辅属装置的发展情况,并从用途扩展、联动线以及新产品开发3个方面阐述了挤出设备的发展方向。

    Meanwhile introduced the development of the auxiliary equipment of extruder from the temperature control device 、 feeding device and head side pressing device , and explained the development trend of extrusion equipment from 3 aspects of application extending 、 train and new product .

  11. 因此销钉机筒冷喂料挤出装置的研究就成了近30年来橡胶加工技术的研究焦点。

    So , the pin barrel extruder has been the research focus of rubber process technique in recent 30 years .

  12. 对橡胶冷喂料加料装置进行了性能分析,通过对自由喂料、旁压辊喂料和螺旋啮合喂料的分析,得出其进料的必要条件及加料胶条的型体要求。

    Analyzed the property of feeding device for rubber C / F extruder , having Feeding freely , side pressing roll and screw meshing feeding analyzed , gained the necessary condition of feeding and the requirement of feeding strip .

  13. 橡胶冷喂料挤出机喂料装置的性能分析

    Property analysis on feed device of rubber cold feed extruder

  14. 该机主要由储料斗、喂料器、计量装置、卸料斗、除尘系统、电脑控制、输送机、缝口机等部分组成。

    This machine is mainly composed of storage hopper , feeding devices , measuring devices , discharge hopper , dust removal system , computer control , conveyor and sewing machine .

  15. 冷喂料挤出机螺旋啮合喂料装置的性能分析与研究

    Research and analysis on the performance of the screw feeding device of cold feeding rubber extruder
