
lěnɡ què jī
  • cooler;chilling unit
  1. 冷却机关键参数的测量和CCD智能控制系统

    Measure of grate cooler ` s key parameters and CCD autocontrol system

  2. 本文针对传统PID控制器在冷却机应用中存在的问题,提出了一种自适应PID控制器实现冷却机熟料料层的自动控制。

    Aiming at the problem of the PID controller using in cooler , this article provides a self-adapting PID controller to control the clinker level of cooler .

  3. 采用ANSYS的水泥冷却机篦板有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of cement cooler grate plate based on ANSYS

  4. CP冷却机在生产中的应用

    Application of CP cooler in production

  5. 介绍沈阳&富勒型篦式冷却机以C60为代表的固态碳.即富勒碳是继石墨和金刚石之后所发现的第三种单质碳。

    Introduction to Shen Yang-Fuller grate cooler The solid carbon represented by C60 , namely fullerenes , is the third form of carbon following graphite and diamond .

  6. EIRICH冷却机在生阳极糊料生产线上的应用

    Application of EIRICH cooler in green anode production

  7. 主要设备包括无菌阀门、气体净化系统、刮板式连续杀菌冷却机等,已成功用于0.5m。

    The mainly equipments included are an aseptic valve , a gas clarifying system and a set of continuously scraped surface heat exchanger .

  8. XPG-800型悬挂式胶片冷却机的研制

    The Exploitation of XPG-800 type hanging film cooling machinery

  9. 介绍最新开发的XPG-800型悬挂式胶片冷却机的设计特点、工作原理、主要技术参数、结构特征,阐述了本机组主要技术改进。

    This paper introduce the design characteristic , operation principle , main technical parameter , structure characteristic of the XPG-800 type hanging film cooling machinery developed newly , have explained this main technology of aircrew is improved .

  10. 铜陵海螺10000t/d生产线的Combi推动篦式冷却机是世界上最大规格的篦式冷却机之一,该篦冷机采用了新型控制流冷却技术,综合生产效果好。

    Combi reciprocating grate cooler of Tongling Conch Croup 10 000 t / d clinker production line is one of the largest grate coolers in the world . New current control technology is adopted in the grate cooler , and good general production effect is gained .

  11. 39m~2烧结冷却机的生产实践

    Production Practice of 39 m ~ 2 Sintering and Cooling Machine

  12. 一种新型熟料推动方式的蓖式冷却机

    The Grate Cooler in New Type of Method to Transport Clinker

  13. 冷却机机头大直径法兰的焊接工艺

    Welding technology of the big diameter flange of the cooler head

  14. 稀土含氮奥氏体耐热钢在冷却机扬料板上的应用

    Application of Nitrogenous Rare Earth Austenitic Steel to Cooler Shed Plate

  15. 白砂糖振动流化干燥&冷却机的设计特点及生产应用研究

    Design and Application of Vibro Fluidized Drying Cooling Unit for Sugar

  16. 焙烧冷却机主风管的新型支撑装置

    New supporting equipment of primary air pipe in cooler for calculation

  17. 往复篦式冷却机运动冲击问题的分析

    A Running Analysis of Shock Problem of Reciprocating Grate Cooling Machine

  18. 氧化铝熟料窑单筒回转式冷却机内衬改造

    Improvement of Inner Lining of Single-Chamber Rotary Cooler in Alumina Chamotte Roasting

  19. 冷却机废气热风烧结废纸中热熔胶的脱除方法

    Method of Removing Hot - melt Gum in Waste Paper

  20. 国外新型熟料冷却机技术性能简介

    Brief introduction to the technical performance of international new type clinker cooler

  21. 谷物冷却机保水冷却通风实验报告

    Test on maintaining moisture and cooling ventilation with grain cooler

  22. 谷物冷却机回风利用与节能

    Use of return air of grain cooler and saving energy

  23. 基于蒙特卡洛法的水泥冷却机篦板可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis Method for Cement Cooler Grate Plate Based on Monte Carlo

  24. 谷物冷却机在浅圆仓储粮中的应用研究

    Application of grain cooler to stored grain in squat silo

  25. 鞍钢烧结冷却机低温废气利用的回顾

    Review of utilization of low temperature waste gas from sintering cooler at Angang

  26. 浅圆仓谷物冷却机低温储粮试验机械制冷对筒仓内大麦储藏的实验探讨

    The test of storing barley in silo after being cooled by grain cooler

  27. 中国区域气候与谷物冷却机低温储粮

    China Region Climate and Cold Storage of Grain Using Grain Refrigerator in Bin

  28. 谷物冷却机复冷降温储粮生产性试验报告

    Field test of re - cooling with grain cooler

  29. 计算机模拟在冷却机轮毂铸造工艺设计上的应用

    Application of Computer Simulation on Casting Process Design of Cooling Machine Wheel Boss

  30. 烧结冷却机余热回收控制系统在武钢三烧应用实践

    Application of the heat recovery control system in sinter cooling machine at Wugang