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lěng xiào
  • sneer;scoff;laugh grimly;sardonic grin;grin with dissatisfaction, bitterness,helplessness,etc;grin with dissatisfaction, helplessness, bitterness, etc
冷笑 [lěng xiào]
  • [sneer; grin with dissatisfaction, bitterness,helplessness,etc; laugh grimly] 含有轻蔑、讥讽、无可奈何、愠怒等意味的笑

冷笑[lěng xiào]
  1. 她的脸上掠过一丝得意的冷笑。

    A faint sneer of satisfaction crossed her face .

  2. 嘴角挂着一丝冷笑。

    A faint sneer hangs on the lips .

  3. 默特尔冷笑了一声。

    Myrtle gave a brittle laugh .

  4. 屠维岳把胸脯更挺得直些,微微冷笑

    Tu Wei-yueh merely drew himself up and smiled sardonically .

  5. 他仿佛博尔赫斯(Borges)爱冷笑的淘气儿子,小心翼翼地创造出一张严密的,由极右文学家与美文创作者构成的大网,对于他们来说,希特勒意味着美、真理与伟大的失落希望。

    As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .

  6. 蓦地吴荪甫撩下了报纸,克勒一声冷笑。

    Suddenly Wu sun-fu threw the newspaper aside and laughed ironically .

  7. 听到这样的解释,我忍不住冷笑起来。

    Hearing the so-called explanation , I cannot help laughing bitterly .

  8. 许多林区居民、农民、陪审员简直在嗤笑、冷笑了。

    Various backwoodsmen and farmers and jurors actually sniffed and sneered .

  9. 再次被一瓣冷笑挑唆

    I 'm incited once again by a petal of ironical smile

  10. 斯内普在一旁嗤嗤冷笑,洛哈特赶忙捡起魔杖,说:

    Snape smirked as Lockhart quickly picked it up , saying ,

  11. 我在这儿能感觉到你的冷笑。

    Ionel : Lex , I can feel your smirk from here .

  12. 他那个年轻的对手的脸上露出了讥讽的冷笑。

    A cynical grin lit up the face of his youthful opponent .

  13. 一脸冷笑,从容赴死。

    Going to his doom with a grim smile on his lips .

  14. 只对女士,'他回道,冷笑着。

    ' Only to a lady , 'he returned with a cold smile .

  15. 吴荪甫皱了眉头,自个儿冷笑。

    Wu sun-fu frowned and smiled grimly to himself .

  16. 也没有什么能从我的冷笑中逃掉。

    And none has quite ? Escaped my smile .

  17. 他冷笑着答复我。

    He gave me a reply with a sneer .

  18. 我冷笑道:这还用你说?

    I sneer : Do you have to you ?

  19. 看杜克的表情看到那个冷笑了吗

    Look at duke . See that contempt smile ?

  20. 轻蔑在凯西眼中闪现,冷笑在凯西唇边出现。

    Defiance gleamed in Casey 's eye , a sneer curled Casey 's lip .

  21. 吴荪甫冷笑着轻轻下了这么一个批评,耸耸肩膀就走出去了。

    Snorted Wu sun-fu cynically , as he shrugged his shoulders and walked off .

  22. 不过,美国人一定忍不住会冷笑。

    Americans , however , must find it hard to suppress a wry smile .

  23. 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。

    Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say , But they walked away sneeringly .

  24. 他的冷笑使我很不舒服。

    I was uncomfortable with his sneer .

  25. 这些受测试者除了看起来恼怒外,他们还表现出厌恶的冷笑。

    In addition to looking peeved , they also trotted out those sneers of disgust .

  26. 他嘿地发出一声讥讽的冷笑。

    He uttered a sardonic chuckle .

  27. 我在一旁看着那个人出错。“哈哈!”我暗自冷笑。

    I watched as the man made mistakes . 'ha ha , 'i sneered to myself .

  28. 一条含愁的皱痕横在她的右脸上,仿佛是冷笑的起始。

    A melancholy fold , which resembled the beginning of irony , wrinkled her right cheek .

  29. 用微笑装作不在意你的冷笑,不关心你的离去。

    Smile and pretend not to care you laugh , do not care about your leaving .

  30. 瓦尔特爵士冷笑着。

    Sir Walter laughed angrily . '