首页 / 词典 / good

  • congeal;curdle;coagulate;fix
  • 凝结,气体变为液体或液体变为固体:~结。~固。~冻。~集。~脂。~滞。

  • 聚集,集中:~聚。~重(zhòng )。~神(聚精会神)。~思。~眸。~睇(注视)。~练。


(凝结) congeal; curdle; coagulate:

  • 凝成固体

    become solid;

  • 牛奶凝结了。

    The milk has curdled.


(注意力集中) fix:

  • 凝视天空

    gaze into the sky;

  • 她深思地凝视着远方。

    She stared thoughtfully into the distance.

  1. 本文充分利用守恒定律,流体网络知识、数据凝合等方法及现场提供的数据资料建立系统模型。

    This paper utilize laws of conservation fully , fluid network knowledge , data congeal method and data from local etc. to build systematic model .

  2. 试验二用大肠杆菌油乳苗免疫雏鸡,利用间接血凝法监测血清中大肠杆菌抗体效价的动态变化。

    Test two use colom bacillus oil to assist the pharmaceutical vaccine shoot immune chick , through indirect blood congeal law to determine the dynamic change of serum of colon bacillus antibody titer . The two tests respectively involved .

  3. 窗户上凝满了水珠,一片模糊。

    The windows were misted up with condensation .

  4. 他凝目眺望大海。

    He was staring out at the sea .

  5. 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。

    His shirt is stiff from congealed blood .

  6. 她凝目远望。

    She gazed into the distance .

  7. Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。”

    Anna Wintour , Vogue 's global editorial director says : " I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China . Her international experience , exceptional multiplatform digital expertise , and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future . "

  8. 因此我们研究了高凝在原位动脉粥样硬化形成中是否介导了有益的作用。

    We therefore investigated whether hypercoagulability mediates a beneficial effect during denovo atherogenesis .

  9. 方法:采用微波热凝方法使慢性扁桃体炎组织凝固、萎缩

    Method : Using microwave tissue thermocoaqulation to make chronic tonsillitis coagulated and atrophied .

  10. 胶淤积的地方,用毛刷将胶抹匀,直至胶凝

    The rubber siltation place , wipes uniform with the hair brush the rubber , until gel gelation gelling .

  11. 16岁起,章凝就开启了她的时尚事业,如今,她的社交媒体粉丝已经超过120万。16岁时,章凝就开始运营她的时尚博客,并且成为一名时尚顾问。

    At the age of 16 , she launched a successful fashion blog and has worked as a consultant .

  12. 提出了确定混凝工艺设计G和T值的优化方法。

    This text has proposed the optimization method to coagulation G and T design ;

  13. 快凝Al-Fe-M-Si合金的显微结构对熔体热历史的敏感性

    Sensitivity of microstructure to thermal history of melts in rapidly solidified al-fe-m-si alloys

  14. 高血压大鼠心脏肌凝蛋白重链mRNA表达和卡托普利的作用

    Expression of cardiac myosin heavy chains mRNA in hypertensive rats and effect of captopril

  15. OS界面杂质分凝的计算机辅助分析

    The Computer Aided Analysis of Impurity Segregation in the OS Interface

  16. 进行血凝(HA)和间接血凝抑制(HI)试验,检测血清HI抗体滴度;

    HI antibody degree was examined by hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition .

  17. 对照组治疗前后反映血凝及纤溶、抗凝的部分凝血指标均较治疗前升高,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    In group 2 we observed some markers of blood coagulation , anticoagulation and fibrinolysis were elevated significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  18. PVC糊凝胶化性能的测定

    The Determination of the Gelling Property of PVC Paste

  19. 化学激发胶凝材料用于CFRP加固混凝土柱的研究

    Study on CFRP Strengthening Concrete Structures with a Chemical Activating Cementitious Material

  20. 戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)具有血凝活性。

    Hepatitis E virus ( HEV ) has the hemagglutination activity .

  21. 大功率CO2激光熔凝稳定ZrO2

    High-power CO_2 Laser Melting of Stabilized ZrO_2

  22. 快凝加硼M2高速钢的制备工艺、组织和硬度

    Preparation , Microstructure and Hardness of Rapidly Solidified M2 High Speed Steel Added Boron

  23. 研究了FeO(OH)动态膜的膜通量衰减与FeO(OH)胶粒的凝并关系。

    The relationship between the flux and agglomeration of FeO ( OH ) colloid was investigated .

  24. 目的评价腹腔镜下卵巢电凝术治疗难治性多囊卵巢综合征(polycysticovariansyndrome,PCOS)的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic ovarian electrocautery in refractory polycystic ovarian syndrome ( PCOS ) .

  25. PAC混凝气浮除油条件的选择

    The Choice of Conditions to Remove Oil with PAC Coagulating and Air Floating

  26. 犬瘟热病毒TN株血凝基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Haemagglutinin Protein Gene of Canine Distemper Virus Strain TN

  27. 方法利用XRD和SEM等微观手段,对掺入超缓凝剂水泥砂浆的缓凝性能进行了测试和表征。

    The retarding properties of cement paste with the super-retarding agent have been characterized and analyzed by means of XRD and SEM .

  28. 加碱混凝沉淀法去除蓝皮制革废水中Cr~(3+)及COD的研究

    Study on Removing Cr ~ ( 3 + ) and COD in the Blue-Wet Skin Wastewater Through Adding Alkali and Coagulating

  29. 指出高锰酸钾复合药剂(CP)预处理强化混凝强化过滤工艺无论是在技术成熟程度上,还是在经济效益方面,都具有非常优越的性能。

    Indicated that composite potassium permanganate ( CP ) pretreatment process has the excellent ability whether in technology or economy .

  30. 结果表明,要形成稳定铝硅溶胶pH值必须控制在3以下,采用氨水和乙酰丙酮可调节胶凝时间。

    The results of experiment show that stable silica-alumina gel was formed by controlling the value of pH3 . Gelatinization time could be adjusted by adding ammonia or acetylacetone .