
  • 网络Gel time
  1. 结果表明:采用盐酸作为催化剂,制得的线性硅溶胶,凝胶化时间为14h,SiO2含量为5.5%。

    The results showed that : the linear silica sol was obtained by using hydrochloric acid as catalyst . Its gel time was 14h , and the SiO2 content was 5.5 % .

  2. 粘度下降、粘度稳定性逐渐变好,有利于PVC增塑糊的排气性能提高,延长PVC增塑糊的凝胶化时间。

    The results show that the viscosity of PVC plastisol is decreased and the viscosity stability is improved when self-viscosity and the property of solution of PVC plasticizer are poorer .

  3. 端羟基共聚醚与多异氰酸酯固化系统凝胶化时间与固化温度的关系符合Flory凝胶化理论。

    The relationship between the gelation time and the curing temperature of hydroxyl-terminated copolyether with polyisocyanate agrees with Flory 's gelation theory .

  4. 考察了PEG-TA质量分数、H202浓度和用量、pH值和温度对凝胶化时间、凝胶含量和含水量、流变学、亲水性等性能的影响,凝胶化时间从15s到6min可调。

    The concentration of PEG-TA , the concentration and amount of H2O2 . pH value and temperature of medium were found to have effect on gelation time , gel content , water uptake , rheology and hydrophilicity .

  5. 但是凝胶化时间过长会导致鱼糜凝胶强度显著下降。

    But the longer setting time leaded to the decreasing of surimi gel strength .

  6. 随壳聚糖和对苯二酚浓度的增大以及温度升高,凝胶化时间缩短。

    With increasing chitosan and hydroquinone concentration as well as increasing temperature , the gelation time decreases .

  7. 还考察了非水水解溶胶-凝胶的陈化时间和金沉积-沉淀溶液的pH值等对反应结果的影响。

    The influences of aging time for the non-hydrolytic sol-gel and pH value for the Au deposition-precipitation on the performance of the Au catalyst were also discussed .

  8. 结果表明,凝胶化过程的松弛时间随观测时间的增加可分为两个阶段,第一个阶段松弛时间随观测时间成指数式增加,第二个阶段松弛时间随观测时间成线性增加。

    It shows a two-step gelation feature . In the first step the relaxation time increase exponentially with observation time ; in the second the relaxation time increase linearly with observation time .

  9. 结果表明:凝胶化温度、凝胶化时间和加热方式影响竹荚鱼鱼糜的凝胶特性。

    Results showed that heating temperature , time and method all had a significant effect on the gel properties of horse mackerel surimi .

  10. 水的存在加速了体系的凝胶化过程,表现为临界凝胶化转变时间tg的减小。

    The presence of water could accelerated the gelation process , reflected by the decreased critical gelation time tg .

  11. 在溶胶凝胶过程中,催化剂浓度以及反应物浓度都对凝胶化时间、气凝胶密度及干燥收缩率有显著影响。

    In the sol-gel process , catalyst concentration and reactant concentration have significant influence on gelation time 、 shrink rate and density of W-doped organic aerogels .

  12. PCQ与壳聚糖物理交联作用使溶液凝胶化,随壳聚糖和邻苯二酚浓度增大以及温度升高,凝胶化时间缩短。电化学实验证明该水凝胶是具有氧化还原活性的。

    With the increasing chitosan and catechol concentration and the increasing temperature , the gelation time decreased . The CV curves of chitosan / PCQ hydrogel is also redox active .

  13. 应用Flory凝胶化理论和非平衡态热力学涨落理论对环氧树脂-三乙醇胺体系不同温度下的凝胶化时间tg和tg以后树脂体系的固化行为进行了预估。

    Flory 's gelation theory and the nonequilibrium thermodynamic fluctuation theory have been used to predict the gelation time tg and the cure behavior after tgt of epoxy-triethanolamine system at various temperatures .