
  • resuscitation
  1. 二分量BEC原子数密度在射频场作用下的崩塌与复苏现象

    Influence of rf frequency on long time evolution of the atomicity density 's collapse and revival in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

  2. 在临界方式下,原子的反转呈现周期性的坍塌和复苏现象。

    In the critical regime , atomic inversion exhibits the collapse and revival phenomena .

  3. 这一主要在房屋租赁市场的复苏现象以美国标准来看是比较奇怪的。

    The recovery is an odd one by American standards , centred on the rental market .

  4. 囚陷离子奇偶相干态的产生以及梳形崩塌与复苏现象

    Generation of even and odd coherent states of a trapped ion and comb-like quantum collapse and revival phenomenon

  5. 原子数密度在更长时间的动力学行为中,若射频场频率增大,则呈现出崩塌与复苏现象的原子数密度震荡曲线整体逐渐下降。

    When the rf frequencies increased and the time prolonged , the oscillation curve of C-R declines as a whole with time .

  6. 随着人的平均寿命的不断延长,在更年期的调整变化中,不少人的内在生理机能出现了复苏现象,从而开始生命过程的第二周期。

    With the extension of the average life span , many people start their second life cycles , due to the recovery of physiological function .

  7. 介观电容器中隧穿电流随着β值的增加,量子崩塌与复苏现象越来越明显,而Ω/ω仅仅会影响周期内的振荡程度。

    The quantum CR phenomenon appears obvious with the increase of the | β | , but the Ω / ω only affects the oscillation in the time of periods .

  8. 在三模量子化光场的模与模之间的压缩参数不相同的情况下,探究了超导电流时间演化的量子坍塌复苏现象与压缩参数的关系。

    The relation between quantum collapse and revival phenomenon in time evolution of the supercurrent and squeezing parameter with different mode-and-mode parameters of the three-mode quantized electromagnetic field is showed .

  9. ,研究了电路量子态的演化,电路中电荷及电流的量子压缩效应以及介观电容器中隧穿电流的量子崩塌与复苏现象。

    Subsequently , we study the evolution of the quantum state , the quantum squeezing effects of the charge and the current , and the quantum CR phenomenon of the tunneling current in the capacitance .

  10. 或许,情况在“无就业复苏”现象十分明显时就会有所改变。

    This will probably change once the reality of the jobless recovery becomes all too apparent .

  11. 东南亚研究在东南亚区域内再度复苏的现象,即是此学科健全发展的最佳指标。

    And the revival of interest in studying Southeast Asia in the region itself is the best pointer to the healthiness of the discipline .

  12. 一个世界,两种速度&新兴市场高速增长和发达国家疲软复苏,这种现象并不新鲜。

    A two-speed world – emerging markets growth and an anaemic recovery in developed markets – is not new .