
  • 网络the Resurrection Stone
  1. 又是短暂的沉默,然后哈利说:你试着用过复活石?

    After another short pause Harry said , You tried to use the Resurrection Stone .

  2. 又有哪一个痛失所爱的人能抵抗复活石的诱惑呢?

    Which human being , having lost someone they loved , could withstand the temptation of the Resurrection Stone ?

  3. 我认为是的,因为他没有认出复活石,而是把它变成一个魂器。

    I do not think so , because he did not recognize the Resurrection Stone he turned into a Horcrux .

  4. 复活石&对他来说意味着阴尸的大军,但我假装并不知道!

    The Resurrection Stone & to him , though I pretended not to know it , it meant an army of Inferi !

  5. 他会认为自己不需要隐形衣,至于复活石,他想唤回哪位死者呢?

    He would not think that he needed the Cloak , and as for the stone , whom would he want to bring back from the dead ?

  6. 复活石上的裂缝沿着代表老魔杖的标志直直贯下,而代表隐形衣和石头的三角和圆形依然清晰可辨。

    The Resurrection Stone had cracked down the vertical line representing the Elder Wand . The triangle and circle representing the Cloak and the stone were still discernible .

  7. 复活石从麻木的手指间滑落,他迈步走进了火光,眼角的余光看见他的父母、小天狼星和卢平都消失了。

    The Resurrection Stone slipped from between his numb fingers , and out of the corner of his eyes he saw his parents , Sirius , and Lupin vanish as he stepped forward into the firelight .