
fù xiě
  • duplicate;duplication;reproduction;manifold;make carbon copies
复写 [fù xiě]
  • [ make carbon copies;duplicate] 把复写纸夹在两张或几张纸之间书写,能写成一式多份

复写[fù xiě]
  1. 请你复写这份公文好吗?

    Would you duplicate the document ?

  2. 键盘上的这些功能按键可让你编辑文件,你可用它们来清点、贴、印或复写正文。

    These function keys on keyboard let you edit the document . They allow you to cout , paste , copy or duplicate text .

  3. 这幅画是通过复写纸印到木头上的。

    The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper .

  4. 他放入了那张纸和两张复写纸。

    He inserted the paper and two carbons .

  5. 把这首诗复写两份。

    Make two copies of this poem .

  6. 你要几份复写本?

    How many carbons do you want ?

  7. 无碳复写纸的X射线衍射分析

    Examination of pressure - sensitive carbon paper by X-ray diffractometer

  8. 无碳复写纸CB涂料的研制

    Development of CB coating for carbon - free paper

  9. 无碳复写纸CB面抗挤压性研究

    A Study on Pressure Resistance of the Coated Back of Carbon Free Copying Paper

  10. AKD胶在无碳复写原纸中的应用

    The Application of AKD in Carbonless Paper

  11. XSD的目的是确保发送的类型在其他终端有可复写的版本。

    The objective of the XSDs is to guarantee that the type sent has a reproducible version on the other end .

  12. 指出使用优质涂布原纸,优化CB和CF涂料配方,才能生产出高质量的无碳复写纸。

    It is showed that it is very important to use high quality base paper and optimize the coating formulae of CB and CF in the production of high quality carbonless paper .

  13. 引进BMB涂布机生产无碳复写纸的实践

    The Practice of the Production of the Introduced BMB Coated Paper Carbon Free Copy Paper Line

  14. 本文对无碳复写纸中页纸(CFB)的显色纸病进行了分析,并提出相应的解决措施,以提高纸张的表观质量。

    The article analyses the adverse color display problem of carbonless copy paper coated front and back , and puts forward some corresponding measures , so as to improve the quality on the surface of carbonless copy paper .

  15. 这种碟片可能是由一个只读层(BD-ROM)和一个复写层(BD-RE)组成,这两部分容量都可达25GB。

    This is made possible by a single BD-ROM layer and a single BD-RE layer , which provide25GB of capacity each .

  16. 第二种规则被称为内混合蓝光碟片(IH-BD)。这种光碟将允许用户把一部分数据不可复写的刻录在光盘上,而其他数据则可以被复写。

    The second specification is the Intra-Hybrid Blu-ray Disc ( IH-BD ), which will allow users to record some data onto a disc that then can 't be overwritten while other data can be .

  17. 一次用碳纸:只用一次的碳纸(复写纸)。

    One-time carbon paper : Carbon paper that only used once .

  18. 他把复写纸放反了。

    She put the carbon paper in the wrong way round .

  19. 涂料性能对无碳复写纸质量的影响

    Effects of Coating Properties on the Quality of Carbonless Copy Paper

  20. 我们需要一些复写纸。你有吗?

    We need some carbon paper . Have you got any ?

  21. 其他学者又复写这些手稿。

    And then those manuscripts are copied over by other scribes .

  22. 因为该数据很可能已经被另一个程序在磁盘上复写过了。

    The data could have been overwritten on disk by another program .

  23. 伪信被散播复写,在世界各地流传。

    Pseudepigraphic letters were distributed and recopied and passed around the world .

  24. 无碳复写纸用压(热)敏染料

    Pressure ( Thermal ) - sensitive Dye Used for Carbonless Copying Paper

  25. 对回收无碳复写废纸工艺进行了最佳工艺条件的优化实验。

    The process conditions for recovering carbon free waste paper were optimized .

  26. 写两份,因为我没有复写纸。

    Fill out both forms : I 've no carbons .

  27. 我最好给这份备忘录准备一份复写本。

    I 'd better make a carbon of this memo .

  28. 无碳复写纸集装箱装运算法研究

    Research on the Calculation Method for Loading of Carbonless Copy Paper in Container

  29. 对国家标准中无碳复写纸原纸浸水时间的商榷

    Discussion on the Soakage Time of Carbonless Copy Base Paper in National Standard

  30. 我记得我在什么地方放有复写纸。

    I have some carbon paper somewhere or other .