
  1. SBR处理猪场废水厌氧消化液脱氮工艺的优化污泥热处理及其强化污泥厌氧消化的研究进展

    Selection of Optimization Process of Denitrification in Piggery Wastewater Treatment by SBR State of the art of thermal sludge pretreatment and its enhancement for anaerobic sludge digestion

  2. 污水处理厂剩余污泥热处理发酵产氢的影响因素

    Influential Factors of Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Thermally Treated Sewage Sludge

  3. 污泥热处理及其强化污泥厌氧消化的研究进展

    State of the art of thermal sludge pretreatment and its enhancement for anaerobic sludge digestion

  4. 污泥热处理可以使污泥的体积大幅度减少、杀死有机微生污染物、节能等优点而具有广泛的应用前景。

    Sludge thermal treatment has broad application prospects due to the advantages of significantly reducing the volume of sludge , killing organic micro-organisms and saving energy .

  5. 污泥热处理技术在减少污染和资源回收方面有很大优势,在残渣固定重金属的同时,还能产生富含一氧化碳和氢气的可燃气体。

    The thermal treatment of sludge has great advantages in reducing pollution and resource recycling , which can also produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen-rich combustible gas while fixes heavy metals in the residue .

  6. 含水率为84%、90%、96%的污泥经热处理后,污泥的SCOD、VSS、SS、碱度、氨氮浓度增大,pH值经热处理后均有不同程度的降低。

    Moisture content was 84 % , 90 % , 96 % of the sludge by microwave after the thermal treatment , the SCOD 、 VSS 、 SS 、 alkalinity 、 ammonia concentration of sludge increases , pH value after the thermal treatment have different levels of reduction .

  7. 活性污泥的热处理及其发酵产氢特性

    Effect of Pretreatment Temperature on Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Activated Sludge