
  1. 污水厌氧生物处理的新工艺&IC厌氧反应器

    Study on novel process of wastewater treatment : IC anaerobic reactor

  2. 城市生活污水厌氧生物处理发展现状

    Present development situation of anaerobic treatment for municipal wastewater

  3. 几种污水厌氧生物处理技术

    Anaerobic biological treatment technology for waste water

  4. 石油酸污水厌氧生物法处理浅析

    Superficial view of anaerobic biological treatment process for petroleum sour water

  5. 通过对超声波辐射促进微生物活性以及超声波强化污水好氧生物处理、厌氧污泥减量化处理等作用机制的分析研究,探讨将超声波应用于强化污水厌氧生物处理的可行性。

    This paper reviews the progress of using ultrasound to intensify anaerobic biological treatment of wastewater in terms of the functionary mechanism of ultrasound improving the activity of microorganism , intensifying aerobic biological treatment of wastewater and reducing the anaerobic sludge .