
  • 网络Exogenous compounds;xenobiotics
  1. 这些酶的重要作用之一就是清除脂溶性外源性化合物,包括环境中的毒物和药物。

    An important role of these enzymes is to aid in the elimination of lipophilic xenobiotics , including environmental toxins and drugs .

  2. 细胞色素P450(CytochromeP-450,CYP450)是动物体内主要的代谢酶系,在外源性化合物的生物转化中起着重要的作用。

    Cytochrome P450 ( CYP450 ) is the major metabolic enzymes of animals in vivo , which plays an important role in the biotransformation of endogenous compounds .

  3. 细胞色素P450(CYP450)是由大量同工酶组成的一组超基因家族,对大多数内源性化合物和外源性化合物的代谢起着重要的作用,该酶系在药理学中具有极其重要的研究意义。

    Cytochrome P450 ( CYP450 ) enzymes represent a superfamily of monooxygenases that play a pivotal role in metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds , which have great research significance in pharmacology .

  4. 人类细胞色素P450s(CYP450s)对许多内源、外源性化合物在体内的I相生物转化有重要作用。

    Cytochrome P450s ( CYP450s ) involved in the phase I metabolism of a variety of chemically diverse substances ranging from endogenous compounds to xenobiotics .

  5. 血清白蛋白是血浆中含量最丰富的蛋白质,它可以贮存和转运许多物质,包括内源性化合物和外源性化合物。

    Serum albumin , the most abundant protein in blood plasma , can storage and transport many substances , including endogenous substances and exogenous substances .

  6. 背景与目的外源性化合物代谢酶参与环境致癌物在体内的代谢,代谢酶基因多态性被认为与肺癌的易感性相关。

    Background and objective Genetic polymorphism in metabolic enzymes , which are involved in metabolism of environmental carcinogens , have been thought to be related to susceptibility of lung cancer .

  7. 近年来,有关外源性化合物对动物和人内分泌系统的干扰进行了广泛的研究。

    In recent years , much attention has been focused on the potential for a wide range of xenobiotic chemicals to interact with and disrupt the endocrine systems of animal and human populations .

  8. 病原是外源性阿片类化合物,靶部位是阿片受体。

    The target is opioid receptors .