
  • 网络Foreign trade transportation;transportation for foreign trade
  1. 浅谈外贸运输工作的特点与重要性

    On Characteristics and Importance of Transportation for Foreign Trade

  2. 加入WTO后发展我国外贸运输服务业的对策

    The Way of Developing Foreign Trade Transport Service in a Post-WTO China

  3. 而且我国加入WTO后,货运代理等服务市场逐步放开,国外的跨国公司凭借先进的服务理念、管理方式与运作技术,纷纷抢滩中国外贸运输市场,货运代理市场呈现出空前激烈的竞争态势。

    With entry into the WTO , freight forwarding market gradually opened up . Foreign multi-national companies with advanced services , management and operation technology , have swarmed into Chinese foreign trade transport market . Freight forwarding market has shown unprecedented fierce competition .

  4. 重庆外贸运输通道现状、问题与建议

    How to Solve the Delivery Channel of Chongqing foreign Trade

  5. 中国外贸运输业竞争结构浅析

    Analysis for Competition Structure of China Foreign Trade Transportation

  6. 在对外贸易和运输行业,依据我国的传统理念,人们习惯上将介于对外贸易和外贸运输之间的服务行业称为货运代理业。

    Traditionally , the service industry between foreign trade and transportation is usually called international freight forwarder industry .

  7. 根据迈克尔·波特的五种竞争力量模型,中国外贸运输业也存在着五种竞争作用力。

    According to the model of five competitive power of MICHAEL E. PORTER , China foreign trade industry also exists five competitive power .

  8. 公司与中国外贸运输公司上海公司、中国远洋运输集团公司、中国外轮代理公司有着良好的业务合作关系。

    The company has established good business relations with China Foreign Trade Transportation Company Shanghai Branch , China Ocean Shipping Company ( COSCO ), and People 's Navigation Company ( PENAVICO ) .

  9. 而且,与十年前相比,货运代理行业的经营人出现了一个明显的分化趋势:一种是仍然以托运人或承运人代理的身份,从事单证、码头、海关等配合外贸运输的服务业务;

    With the years passing by , the freight forwarders are inclined to divide into two types : one , still as agent on behalf of shippers or carriers , undertakes services related to foreign trade and transportation ;

  10. 但是,目前东北地区的外贸运输和航运基本上围绕大连东北亚国际航运中心和大连东北亚国际物流中心展开,对黄海翼港口的陆向和海向的辐射区域研究不足。

    Currently foreign trade transportation and shipping in Northeast is basically revolved around Dalian Northeast Asian International Shipping Centre and Northeast Asian International Logistics Centre , however , the research of seaward and landward radiating area of the ports of Yellow Sea Wing is insufficiency .

  11. 中国拥有1.8万km海岸线,11万km内河航道,承担着9%的国内贸易运输和85%以上的外贸货物运输,沿海沿江有1460多个商港。

    China has a coastline of 18,000 km , 110,000 km inland waterways , bearing 9 % of domestic trade transport and more than 85 % of foreign trade cargo transportation , and there are more than 1460 coastal ports along rivers .

  12. 外贸货物运输需求量预测研究

    Research on prediction of cargo transport demand in foreign trade

  13. 再通过对当前外贸支线运输市场影响因素的了解,进行客户需求情况调查,总结出码头业务拓展中客户最为关注的服务特征。

    Base on the understand of foreign trade feeder line transportation market and customer requirement survey , make out the most important characteristics in customer-concerned service .

  14. 近年发展迅速,承担了珠海市的能源、原材料、外贸物资运输任务,对珠海市外向型经济和临港工业发展发挥了重要作用。

    With the development of Zhuhai , Zhuhai port plays a significant role in the transportation of energy , raw material and external cargo and the development of export-oriented economy and harbor industry .

  15. 试探我国中小型外贸企业在运输和订货环节的EDI实现模式

    EDI Implementation Mode in Transportation and Ordering of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Foreign Trade Enterprises

  16. 皇庭服务对象:批发市场业者,工厂,外贸公司,运输代理,同行,客户。

    Target Clients : Market Wholesaler , Factories , Trading Co. , Shipping Agents , Competitors , Clients & etc.