
  1. 所召回的婴儿床带有生产日期、产品订货号(PO)、商品号,以及颜色印在床脚板或床头板上所附的标签上。

    The recalled cribs have the production date , product order ( PO ) number , item number , and color printed on a label attached to the footboard or headboard .

  2. 产品订货决策与库存管理是企业生产经营的一项重要管理工作。

    Product ordering decisions and inventory management play an important part in the production and operation of enterprises .

  3. 世博网6月3日消息:中国2010年上海世博会特许产品订货会昨天在上海国际展览中心开幕。

    Expo organizers yesterday held a fair at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center to recruit sellers for licensed Expo souvenirs .

  4. 如果我们的客户满意您的价格和交货时间,将对每种产品订货1000件。

    If your price and delivery time will be satisfied our customer will place an order of1000 pcs for each Item .

  5. 本协议双方签字后,作为产品订货合同附件,与商务合同同时生效。

    This agreement as the attachment of business contract will become effective upon the same time when business contract is signed .

  6. 由于产品订货范围的类别繁多,所接触的螺纹类型也不断扩大,公司在执行螺纹标准中,尤其是在对待旧图生产及其转化和执行国外螺纹标准中与公司历来的习惯发生冲突。

    In the implementation of thread standards , especially in the transformation from the old drawing and from foreign thread standards , there is a conflict between the said standards and HBC 's traditional thread standards .

  7. 据此进一步考虑资金的时间价值,研究了基于期量折扣的生鲜农产品订货策略,得出时间全数量折扣更能激励零售商增加订货;折扣时间限制越宽松越有利于零售商降低成本。

    An optimal ordering policy is studied taking into account the time value of time . The conclusion implies that the all-volume discount is better to inspire the retailer increasing order quantity than incremental volume discount ; the cost of retailer decreases when the time limit relaxes .

  8. 在市场需求变化条件下,短生命周期的产品订货分为两个阶段:第一阶段初从供应商那里订货一次,第一阶段末第二阶段初,根据市场需求变化再订货一次。

    In changing market demand conditions , shorter product life cycle order divides into two stages : in the first early stage , supplier has one chance of ordering commodity , the another chance during in the end of the first stage and the early of the second stage .

  9. 布拉德的半导体团队指出,iPhone5以及iPad产品的订货量接近我们此前的出货量预测,但低于市场平均预期。

    Checks by Baird 's semiconductor team suggest iPhone 5 and total iPad procurement orders near our shipment forecasts , but below consensus .

  10. 4级允差产品特殊订货。

    4 please place a special order for products of class .

  11. 多产品联合订货的分销系统利润优化研究

    Study on Profit Optimization in Distribution System of Multiple Products Joint Replenishment

  12. 分析了一个多产品联合订货库存模型的绩效。

    This study evaluates the performance of a multi-item joint replenishment inventory model .

  13. 结构相似产品单件订货生产计划方法研究

    A Study on the Method of Production Planning of Similar Single-Piece Make to Order

  14. 市场需求变化条件下短生命周期产品的订货策略

    The Ordering Strategy of Shorter Life Cycle Product in the Changing Market Demand Conditions

  15. 同时我司可按照客户需要提供多元化的进口广电产品专项订货服务。

    We also offer exclusive order service with various imported broadcasting equipments according to clients'need .

  16. 由于我们的新的广告促销活动,新产品的订货单开始像滚雪球一样迅速增多。

    Orders for the new product have begun to snowball because of our new ad campaign .

  17. 买方认定一种他想要或需求的产品,订货,付款,并且等待收货。

    The buyer finds a product that he desires or needs , orders it , pays for it , and waits for delivery .

  18. 贵司产品的最小订货量是多少。

    What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods .

  19. 考虑流通损耗控制的生鲜农产品供应链订货策略及供需协调研究

    Research on Ordering Policies and Coordination of Fresh Supply Chain under Circulative Loss-controlling

  20. 双分销渠道下需求受价格影响的单周期产品供应链订货策略研究

    Research on Order Strategy of Single-period Products in Dual-Distribution Channel Supply Chain under Price-Dependent Demand

  21. 考虑生产方式物料需求特点的单产品单供应商订货决策

    Single Product , Single Supplier Order Quantity Decision Considering Materials Demand Features of Different Production Methods

  22. 零售商主导的短生命周期产品供应链订货策略

    Game analysis of ordering strategy based on short life-cycle products in a retailer dominated supply chain

  23. 请告知贵方是否能供应这种产品,包括订货至交货之间的时间、包装、中国港口离岸价和芝加哥到岸价。

    Please advise if you are able to offer this product and include lead time , packaging and price FOB China port and CIF Chicago .

  24. 基于报童模型的无产品替代的零售商订货策略研究

    Retailers ' Ordering Strategy of Non-product Substitution Based on Newsboy Mode

  25. 通货混合,鸡尾酒式货币考虑产品贬值影响的订货与翻新混合系统库存决策

    Inventory Decision-making in an Ordering and Recovering Hybrid System Considering the Effect of Product Devaluation

  26. 第二部分论述了女装品牌产品企划的工作内容与工作流程。包括调研、产品风格定位、季度产品整体企划、主题产品设计开发、产品订货会及生产下单技术资料准备等六个方面的内容。

    The second part discusses the work content , work flow of brand product planning , including research , product positioning , overall planning of product style in quarter , theme of product design and development , product orders and production under the technical information and so on .