
  1. 介绍了基于BOM的产品成本计算方法的理论建模、系统的总体设计方案、功能设计以及系统实现的关键技术。

    3 , Introduces the theory modeling based on products cost computing method on the basis of BOM , overall plan of design , function designation and key technology of the system .

  2. 产品成本计算方法的选择、产品成本计算的品种法、产品成本计算得分批法、产品成本计算的分步法。

    The calculating method of the material cost , the salary and welfare , the power expense , the depreciation and so on ;

  3. 它的成长要归功于它克服了传统间接费用计算的种种缺陷,改革了产品的成本计算方法,大大方便了成本管理。

    Its success greatly due to have overcame computing defects of the traditional overhead expenses and have reformed product cost-computing method which greatly be convenient for cost-management .

  4. 最后,以电量法为基础,研究了热电联产热、电产品的成本效益计算方法,并将其应用于包头二热空冷机组的成本效益分析中。

    In the end , based on electricity , the calculating methods for the cost and benefit of heating and electricity are studied , which are applied to air-cooled unit of BaoTou Second Thermal Power Plant .

  5. 高级制造技术使产品成本计算的理论与方法发生了极大的变化。

    The Advanced Manufacturing Technology ( AMT ) results in great changes in the costing theories and costing methods .