
  • 网络Tax refund;Duty Drawback
  1. 中央财政对地方税收返还和转移支付情况。

    The central government 's tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments .

  2. 一般性转移支付、专项转移支付及税收返还均存在一定问题。

    There are problems both in general and special transfer payments and in tax return .

  3. 在转移支付的三个组成部分中,专项转移支付和税收返还扩大了地区发展差距;

    In three components of transfer , special transfer and tax return widen regional development disparities ;

  4. 借鉴日本经验,我国应加大转移支付力度和加快制度改革,尤其是要扩大规范性转移支付的规模,并改革税收返还和专项支出制度。

    Using Japanese experience for reference , our country should enhance the transfer payment and speed up system reform .

  5. (三)股份制企业按照规定享受本市税收返还等优惠政策的资金,已经形成的国有股。

    State-owned shares already generated by the fund of joint-stock enterprises that enjoy preferential policies according to law in Shanghai such as tax refund .

  6. 中央对地方税收返还和转移支付相应形成地方财政收入,并由地方安排财政支出。

    Tax rebates and transfer payments turned over to local governments became part of the revenue of local governments , which made arrangements for their utilization .

  7. 将中央对地方的转移性支出,简化为税收返还、一般性转移支付、专项转移支付三类。

    Fiscal transfers from the central government to local governments will be divided into three categories : tax rebates , general transfer payments and special transfer payments .

  8. 美国的汽油消费占其原油总消费的一半左右,美国可以仿效英国的做法,同时将增加的税收返还给消费者。

    America , whose petrol use comprises about half of its crude oil consumption , could do the same , while rebating the additional tax collections to consumers .

  9. 要将清理欠税与税收返还、出口退税、期初存货已征税款的抵扣等工作紧密结合起来。

    Work such as clearing up overdue taxes and tax revenue return , export tax rebates , deductions on taxes imposed on beginning inventories , etc. should be closely integrated .

  10. 税收返还不仅较好地兼顾效率与公平,而且相对于资源型企业税率降低政策更加有效;

    The main conclusions are : tax return is well to meet requirements of both economic efficiency and social equitableness simultaneously , and more efficient than the policy of reducing the tax rate of mining firms ;

  11. 优化转移支付结构,逐渐减少现有税收返还部分的比例,扩大过渡时期转移支付部分的额度,加大一般转移支付力度。

    Optimizing the structure of transfer payments , gradually reducing the existing tax return part of the ratio of the transition period to expand the transfer of part payment of the amount , and increase general transfer payments .

  12. 省管县体制改革明确确定市、县财政各自的支出范围,转移支付、税收返还、所得税返还等由省直接核定并补助到市、县。

    Province county reform clearly identified in the city , county finance their own range of expenditures , transfer payments , tax return , income tax returns and other provincial directly approved and grants to cities , counties .

  13. 应当明确转移支付的目标模式,降低税收返还的比重,调整优化支付结构,进一步推进省以下转移支付制度的建立和完善。

    We should determine the aim and pattern of the fiscal transfer payment , lower the ratio of the taxes revenue giveback , adjust and optimize the structure of the fiscal transfer payment , improve the local fiscal transfer payment .

  14. 第三章分析了我国国有商业银行资本金补充途径,包括发行股票、发行长期金融债券、税收减免返还、财政注资和利润留成以及金融创新增强银行本身的积累能力等。

    Third , the paper analyzes the methods of supply capital to the national banks , the methods include : issue share , issue long-term bond , taxes reduction or return , finance share , profit remain and finance innovation to increase bank 's accumulation ability , and so on .

  15. 如果你对自己的家庭进行改造,尽可能的能源高效,将可以获得政府的税收减免和返还激励。

    Government tax breaks and rebate incentives are often available when you retrofit your home to be as energy efficient as possible .

  16. 主要从这两个角度探讨促进资源型城市产业转型的税收政策,分别对应于资源型城市的税收返还和增值税改革政策。

    This paper discusses the tax policies for promoting industrial transformation of resource-based cities from above two perspectives .

  17. 这一良好势头,很大程度归功于该州一项积极的税收激励计划,使得在这一地区投资摄制总计超过5万美元的影片,都能获得25%的税收返还。

    A huge part of this trend can be credited to an aggressive tax incentive plan that allows productions which drop more than $ 50000 in Massachusetts to receive a25 % rebate on everything they spend in the state .