
  • 网络resource allocation mechanisms
  1. 对一个企业而言,总部经济实质上是一种旨在降低成本、提高效益增强企业持续竞争优势的资源配置机制和模式。

    Of a business , the economy is essentially a headquarters to reduce costs and improve efficiency enhance their sustainable competitive advantage of resource allocation mechanisms and modalities .

  2. 卫生资源配置机制研究的现状与发展

    Current status and development of research on health resource allocation mechanism

  3. 我国城市土地资源配置机制研究

    Study on Our Country 's Urban Land Resources Allocation Mechanism

  4. 军队卫生资源配置机制研究总结

    Summary of research on mechanism of military health resource allocation

  5. 中国人力资源配置机制的思考

    Comment and Meditation on the Disposal System of Human Resources in China

  6. 高校图书馆资源配置机制问题探讨

    A probe into the mechanism of the resource allocation in academic libraries

  7. 市场资源配置机制与经济理论的选择

    The Market Mechanisms of Resource Allocation and Our Choice of Economic Theories

  8. 水资源配置机制比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Water Resource Allocation Systems

  9. 建立政府与市场相结合的水资源配置机制;

    Create water resource allocation mechanism of combining the role of government and market ;

  10. 分析了已有网络信息资源配置机制的缺陷;

    Secondly , it analyzes the limitations of the present network information resources allocation mechanism .

  11. 黑龙江省农业资源配置机制研究

    Agricultural Resource Distribution Mechanisms in Heilongjiang Province

  12. 其次是要完善学校资源配置机制,加强教育的关注程度。

    Secondly , improving the school resource allocation mechanism , and strengthening the degree of educational concern .

  13. 但始终离市场调节产业的资源配置机制距离尚远。

    But it is first and last far from the mechanism on which the market adjusts the industry .

  14. 人力资源配置机制对人力资源投资效益及经济增长有重要影响。

    The disposal mechanism of human resources has an important effect on investing benefit of human resources and economic increase .

  15. 内部资本市场在企业集团中广泛存在,它可以作为一种重要资源配置机制替代外部资本市场。

    Internal capital market is a kind of important resource configuration mechanism as an alternative to the external capital market .

  16. 这两家公司都拥有高度复杂的人员和资源配置机制,并都运用了追踪系统以监控效率并确保高效。

    Both have highly sophisticated people and resource allocation , and both employ tracking systems to monitor and ensure efficiency .

  17. 结合中国特殊情况,构建新型土地资源配置机制,促进城市化进程,维护社会公平。

    Unifies the Chinese peculiar circumstance , constructs the new land resource allocation mechanism , promotes the urbanization , maintains the social justice .

  18. 政府和市场是当今社会最基本的两种资源配置机制,同时也是两种最主要的性别地位型塑机制。

    The government and the market are both the two basic mechanisms to the resources deployment today and the two uppermost constructing mechanisms to the gender status .

  19. 卫生资源配置机制研究是获得科学卫生资源配置标准与方案的基础,也是卫生资源配置研究的重点内容。

    The mechanism of health resource allocation ( HRA ) , the basis of standard HRA and its project , is becoming the keystone in HRA field .

  20. 退出障碍更高,导致与之相关的预算软约束、地方保护问题严重。政府主导型投资可能会导致资源配置机制的重叠和替代,专有性权责联系的削弱以及社会总体福利损失。

    The government 's leading investment also has higher obstacle of withdrawing market , which induces the flexibleness of budget restriction and the aggravation of district protecting .

  21. 资本市场在促进经济货币化,建立优胜劣汰的市场资源配置机制方面拥有独到的优势。

    The capital market shows its unique advantages in promoting economic capitalization and establishing the disposition system in market resources based on " Survival of the fittest " .

  22. 评审作为一种重要的资源配置机制,其分配资源的数量十分庞大,作用范围也极为广泛。

    Evaluation as an important mechanism of resource allocation , amount of resources that is allocated by the system is very large , and the range is extremely wide .

  23. 着重讨论了与移动计算相结合的任务调度算法,以及资源配置机制设计应满足的条件。

    Then discussed emphatically the task despatch algorithm which unifies with the motion computation , as well as the conditions which the design of resource allocation mechanism should satisfy .

  24. 美国高等教育的发达,得益于美国人重视高等教育和多元化的高等教育投资机制,更得益于其市场化的资源配置机制。

    Its high development has benefited a lot from American emphasis on higher education , the diversity of higher education investment mechanism , and the marketization of resources deployment mechanism .

  25. 政府主导型投资可能会导致资源配置机制的重叠和替代,专有性权责联系的削弱以及社会总体福利损失。

    The government 's leading investment may result in overlapping and substitution of the resource distribution mechanism , the weakening of proprietary power and responsibility and the loss of whole social welfare .

  26. 我国现行人力资源配置机制存在的主要问题是:人力资源市场供给主体和需求主体没有真正到位;

    The main problems of the present disposal system of human resources in China are : the main body of both supply and demand in human resources market are not put into right position ;

  27. 这些结论的政策含义在于,(1)我国应建设多层次金融市场体系,形成一个有效率的金融资源配置机制。

    Based on the analysis , it is concluded that ( 1 ) China have to build a multi-level system of financial markets , and creating an efficient mechanism for allocation of financial resources .

  28. 市场机制是有效率的资源配置机制,我国要发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,就必须充分发挥货币的作用。一是要从政策上保持稳健的取向;

    Market mechanism is an effective mechanism to allocate resources . In our country we must give full play to money function if we need to rely on the market function to allocate resources .

  29. 我国传统的人力资源配置机制造成了劳动力总供给过大、结构不合理、人力资源个体素质和结构与社会需求不相吻合等一系列问题。

    In China , traditional mechanism of distributing human resources results in a series of problems such as too many labors supplied ; unreasonable structure and individual quality of human resources unsuited to social requirement , etc.

  30. 本文根据数字技术时代科学研究与技术开发活动出现的新特征,分析了传统的资源配置机制和知识产权保护体系面临的数字化的两难。

    Highlighting the new characteristics of R & D activities in the digital technological age , the paper analyzes the new challenges to the traditional resource allocation mechanism and the intellectual property rights ( IPRs ) system .