
  1. 条件价值评估法(CVM)是推导环境资源生态系统服务的支付意愿的标准方法之一。

    The contingent valuation method ( CVM ) is one of the most dominating and standard techniques for eliciting the willingness to pay ( WTP ) for the ecosystem services provided by environment and resources .

  2. 三峡库区人力资源生态系统优化研究

    Research on Optimizing Human Resource Ecosystem of the Three Gorges Region

  3. 自然资源生态系统状态演变及其控制

    The evolution and control of ecologic system of natural resources

  4. 区域资源生态系统数字化管理研究

    Digitizing management of resources ecosystem

  5. 根据水资源生态系统提供服务的特点,将水资源生态系统服务功能分为经济服务功能和生态服务功能。

    According to characteristics of water resource , two kinds of aquatic ecosystem services were identified in this paper : economic benefit value and ecological function value .

  6. 将记录资源生态系统要素的信息转化为按一定准则且规范排列的数字信息,就形成数字资源生态系统。

    To build database of digital resources ecosystem , the information about regional resources ecosystem should be converted into digital information according to certain rules and be arranged normatively .

  7. 城市湖泊湿地生态系统是城市中的一个具有独特性质的自然资源生态系统,由于所处地理位置的特殊性及其本身所具有的特殊功能,对城市的发展起着十分重要的作用。

    Owing to the special location and functions , urban lake wetlands ecosystem is a unique natural resources ecosystem and play very important role in the development of city .

  8. 实证研究部分,首先运用质性研究得出,初步归纳了企业人力资源生态系统稳定性影响因子,并制定了初始问卷。

    In the diagnosis studies part , firstly it uses the qualitative research to sum up the initial influence factors of enterprise human resource ecosystem stability , and designed the preliminary questionnaire .

  9. 4个一级指标分别为:水库大坝运行安全综合评价指标、水库管理指标、水资源生态系统稳定性指标、水库建设效应指标;

    The 4 first class indexes are the dam safety evaluating index , the management index of reservoirs , the water ecosystem system stability index , the reservoirs ' construction effect index .

  10. 并对江西省水资源生态系统的价值进行了评价,评价结果表明,2001年江西省水资源系统的经济服务价值为201.05亿元,生态服务功能价值为323.59亿元。

    Appraisal of service function value of Jiangxi water resource ecosystem in 2001 showed that the economic benefit value was 20.105 billion RMB , and the ecological function value was 32.359 billion RMB .

  11. 数字化资源生态系统的建立给科研人员和管理人员提供了对生态经济进行定量分析的科学手段,实现了对复杂的不同空间层面、不同特征类型生态资源的综合分析。

    Accordingly , the establishment of digitizing resources ecosystem provides scientific methods on quantitative analysis for researchers and managers , and make it possible to synthesis analysis of ecological resources with complex spatial layers and different features .

  12. 东太湖是太湖水资源生态系统的组成部分,是重要的城市供水水源地和太湖洪水的主要排泄通道,也是重要的水产养殖基地。

    The Eastern Taihu Lake ( ETL ) is a part of aquatic ecological system of the Taihu Lake , a key source of urban water supply , a main drainage byway of flood from the Lake and an important base of aquaculture .

  13. 鄱阳湖区土地资源生态经济系统分析

    Analysis on land resource ecological economy system in Poyang Lake area

  14. 湖北省耕地资源及其生态系统服务功能研究

    Cultivated Land Resources and Functions Research of Ecosystem Service in Hubei Province

  15. 论人力资源管理生态系统的构建

    On Construction of Ecological System of Human Resources Management

  16. 环境资源与生态系统的关系

    On relations between resources , environment and ecosystem

  17. 雨水资源对生态系统水环境、水平衡具有不可替代性。

    Rainfall resources are indispensable to water environment and water equilibrium in the ecosystem .

  18. 自然资源和生态系统管理的生态系统方法:概念、原则与应用

    Ecosystem Approach to Natural Resources and Ecosystem Management : Concept , Principle and Application

  19. 论资源生态经济系统阈值与资源的可持续利用

    Study on the threshold of resources eco - economical system and sustainable utilization of resources

  20. 自然保护区是人类为保护野生动植物、自然资源和生态系统最有效的措施之一。

    The nature reserve is the most effective way to protecting wild animals and plants , natural re-sources and ecosystem .

  21. 海上油污不仅造成巨大的物质财富损失,还会对海洋生物资源和生态系统造成严重破坏。

    Marine oil pollution not only causes enormous economic loss , but also causes serious damage to marine biological resources and ecosystems .

  22. 随着海洋在国民经济发展中的重要性日益突出,海岛资源和生态系统服务功能在我国经济社会发展中也将扮演更加重要的角色。

    The resources and ecosystem services of islands assume even greater importance with the enhanced importance of ocean in national economic development .

  23. 海岸带开发的核心问题是人类的经济和社会发展对自然资源和生态系统的需求。

    The key problem with the coastal zone exploitation is the demands of human economic and social development for natural resources and ecosystem .

  24. 保护水资源和生态系统:讨论最新的国家间争议性问题,例如“京都协议”。

    Protection of Water Resources and Ecosystem : discussion on the latest most controversial agreements between countries , like for example the Kyoto protocol .

  25. 本文在该区物种资源和生态系统调查的基础上,提出了保护生物多样性的规划意见。

    A planning for biological diversity conservation in this particular area has been proposed on the basis of species resource and ecosystem surveying in this region .

  26. 阐述了水资源生态经济系统的生态经济阈和水质水量统一配置可行方案拟定的原则;

    The ecological economy threshold of water resources ecological economy system and the principles for drawing up the feasible schemes of the integrated optimal distribution are expounded .

  27. 本文从水资源生态经济系统总体的角度出发,引入生态经济学的能值价值理论,对水资源生态经济价值的能值核算方法进行了系统研究。

    From the angle of water resources eco-economic system , introducing emergy theory , a systematic study of emergy evaluation of ecological economic value of water resources is conducted .

  28. 根据循环经济理念,设计了适合农村中学公厕粪污处理的基本工艺流程和相关构筑物参数,工艺包括预处理系统、厌氧发酵与后处理系统、资源生态利用系统。

    According to the theory of circular economy , the basic technological flow and its related structures parameter of night soil treatment in rural middle school are designed in this article .

  29. 本论文以慈溪为研究对象,通过对慈溪的社会、经济与生态环境现状的分析,建立水资源生态足迹系统动力学模型。

    Cixi is the object of this paper . In view of the analysis of society , economic and environment , system dynamics model of ecological footprint of water resources is established .

  30. 如今我们知道出现了环境伦理学的一些事,这种伦理学为人们在日常生活行为中保护自然资源和生态系统并制止破坏生态的行为所需要的道德规范进行论证。

    We know something nowadays about emergence of environmental ethics that argues about people 's ethics in ordinary life behavior to protect natural resources and ecological system and to check ecological destruction .