- 名Banded structure;zonal structure

The existence state of minor elements in wolframite and its zonal structure
Chemically , fissural zoning is due to variations in Fe and Mn concentrations .
Zoning in columbite crystals from the Beauvoir granite , massif central , france : types , composition and constraints on their formation
Scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe analyses of the columbite crystals from the Beauvoir granite ( Massif central , France ) indicate that the Nb-Ta minerals show different zoning patterns .
Rhythmical zoning in columbite crystals is attributable to the complex crystallization history of the Beauvoir granite . The major factors controlling rhythmical zoning are considered to be the periodic variations in chemical composition of the granitic magma and of the physico-chemical conditions for magmatic crystallization .
The samples are mainly massive , porphyritic and banded structures .
The Genesis of the Banded Structure in Granite , Suzhou
Study on regional mineralizations and ore-field structures : building of mineralizing tectonic systems
The xenoliths are all in recrystallized structure and homogeneous or layered texture .
Ores are of pegmatite granites texture , graphic and massive , banded structure .
The origin and evolution of the banded structure in Archaean iron orebody , Anshan area
Banded structures are clue to find quartz vein type gold deposit in this area , and representation of the multi-stage mineralization .
There are mainly microcrystalline , cataclastic , disseminated and massive structure , the oxidized ores mainly have banded , veinlet , veined-network structure .
As strip structure , vertical deformation is the primary part of subgrade 's deformation , therefore it is considered as plane strain problems during analysis .
The red-yellow jade produced in Longling which species are cryptocrystalline quartz quality jade , according to the local standard of Yunnan Longling concluded that it was chalcedony .
Metasomatic skarn having replacement remnant texture , pseudobreccia structure , while depositional skarn , particulate crystallitic texture and ribbon , stratified structure . These reflect they are eruptive genesis ;
The tectonic gneiss , developed at deep crustal-tectonic levels by grain flow and diffusion creep mechanism , have stripe and band fabrics in macroscopic , and three edges equilibrium texture in microscopic scales .
The intrusions are primarily consists of ultramafic rocks , including peridotite , pyroxenite , gabbro , and the transitional type among them , the ore has massive , disseminated and banded structure as well as sideronitic texture . 3 .
Symmetric high stress zones in parallel stripped shape would usually form in two sides far off the fault , thus causing the increase of coal bed methane content , and forming a natural curtain to block methane migration to the fault .
Because highway is a strip structure , it often needs passing through different terrain units , and some cacoethes geological environment sometimes . Collapse , landslide , debris flow and subgrade settlement of geological hazards and so on occur frequently , especially in the west mountainous area in China .
Highway is a ribbon constructions , through different natural conditions , and involves changing geological conditions .