
  1. 那么,我们就肯定是要带足新的NGP挂钩,使我们能够继续创造出独特的游戏体验,你上不了游戏机。

    So what we made sure was to bring enough new hooks on NGP so that we can continue to create unique gaming experiences that you cannot get on consoles .

  2. 所以别担心,姐可是带足了钱

    So don 't worry . I got plenty of cash .

  3. 包覆技术的发展趋势游离第2足趾带足背皮瓣、小腿外侧联合皮瓣再造拇指及修复创面;

    Lateral lower leg flap transfer for thumb reconstruction and wound covering ;

  4. 按照老传统,请带足自己最喜爱的特色菜肴并能为其他朋友分享。

    Bring your own favorite dishes adequate for you and your friends .

  5. 幸好我们带足了钱。

    It 's a good job we 've brought plenty of money .

  6. 带足背皮瓣的第二足趾;

    Composite dorsalis pedis flap with the second toe ;

  7. 我们为假期带足食品。

    We took adequate food for the holiday .

  8. 小儿拇指缺损用第二脚趾带足背皮瓣游离移植再造拇指一例报告

    Reconstruction of the Defect of a Child Thumb with Second toe free Graft and the Dorsalis Pedis Flap

  9. 渥太华越来越冷了,你们带足暖和的衣服了吗?

    Ottawa is getting very cold and I am not sure if you are used to this weather .

  10. 指蹼上移术治疗先天性短并指畸形带足背趾蹼皮瓣的双足三趾移植修复手毁损伤

    Bilateral three-toe transplantation with dorsalis pedis flap and first web space flap for damage injury in the hands

  11. 一开始我出去买东西总带足现金。

    At the very beginning , when I went shopping , I always brought enough cash with me .

  12. 狗狗和主人在爬山时都需要保证足够的水,带足狗狗和主人共同需要的饮用水十分重要。

    Both you and your lovely dog need to stay hydrated , so bring enough water for two .

  13. 由于水并不总能保证从河流和小溪中汲取,你应该计划带足你需要的饮用水。

    Since water isn 't always available from streams or brooks , you should plan to carry all the water you need .

  14. 小贴士:确保安全帽和救生衣不离身,带足防晒霜和饮用水。

    Tips : Wear a helmet and life jacket at all times ; bring enough sunscreen ; and bring lots of water .

  15. 大巴山前缘逆冲推覆带足一个构造复杂,但油气前景较好的地区。

    The over-thrust nappe in the margin of Daba Mountain is a zone with complex structures but fairly good prospects to hydrocarbon exploration .

  16. 结论带足三叶皮瓣的第二趾是修复伴有手掌、手背皮肤缺损的手指毁损伤的理想方法。

    Conclusion It is an ideal method by using second-toe with three-leaf flap of foot to repair damaged fingers accompanying defect of the palm and dorum of hand .

  17. 带蒂足背皮瓣的临床应用(附3例报告)

    Clinical application of the pedicle skin flap from dorsum pedis : Report of 3 cases .

  18. 结论带双侧足背和趾蹼皮瓣的足趾游离移植是治疗全手皮肤套状撕脱伤的良好方法。

    Conclusions Free toe implantation with double dorsalis pedis flap with toe web space is a good approach in treatment of the skin degloving injury in the hand .

  19. 带血管蒂足内侧皮瓣修复足后踝皮肤缺损

    Pedicle medialis pedis flap to repair the skin defects of the posterior ankle

  20. 带瓶样足背皮瓣的第二趾甲皮瓣修复全手指皮肤套脱伤

    Repair of degloving injuries of the fingers with second toe wrap-around flap combined with dorsal flap of the foot

  21. 目的报告采用带血管蒂足内侧皮瓣修复踝后侧皮肤缺损的结果。

    Objective To report the results of using pedicle medialis pedis flap to repair the skin defects of the posterior ankle .

  22. “鸭:鸭科的一种野生或家养游禽,其特点是有宽大扁平的喙,短腿和带蹼的足.”

    " duck : any of various wild or domesticated swimming birds of the family anatidae , characteristically having a broad , flat bill , short legs , and webbed feet . "

  23. 带血管蒂的足外侧肌皮瓣的应用解剖研究

    Applied anatomical studies on the pedicled lateral pedal musculocutaneous flap

  24. 带血管蒂的足内侧复合组织瓣局部转位术的应用解剖

    Anatomical Study for the Transposition of Vascularized Compound Tissue Flap of Medial Pedal

  25. 方法:用腓肠筋膜皮瓣带蒂治疗前足广泛挤压撕脱伤32例,其中显微修复皮神经30例。

    Method : Thirty-two anterior feet of extensive avulsion injury were repaired with pedicled calf fasciocutaneous flap .

  26. 所带感觉神经与足背外侧皮神经吻合。

    The saphenous nerve was sutured with the cutaneous nerve of the dorsum side of the foot .