
  1. HPLC法检人血白蛋白中多聚体含量

    HPLC Determination of Polymer in Human Serum Albumin

  2. 温度法检堵在高炉喷煤上的应用

    Application of Temperature Method for Jam Detection in BF Coal Injection

  3. 半荷载结构法检算浅埋(偏压)隧道结构之探讨

    Discussion on semi-load structure method for structural calculation of shallow buried tunnel

  4. 利用回归法检核油罐环墙沉降观测数据

    Check Data of Oil Tank Foundation Settlement with Regression Method

  5. 电容法检纱的各种影响因素

    A Discussion of Factors Affecting Yarn Measurement by Capacitance-Method

  6. 电导法检知Pt/TiO2的晶间氢

    Detection of interstitial hydrogen on pt / tio_2 by means of conductivity measurements

  7. 向量内积法检相在激光测距系统中的应用

    The Phase Difference Detector by Inner Product Applied in Laser Phase Distance Measurement System

  8. 代理企业出口法检产品的苏州报检手续。

    Going through the formalities for exports in need of verification by law in Suzhou .

  9. 图像法检焦的关键在于对焦评价函数的选取。

    The selection of focus measure is the key to the auto-focusing by digital image processing .

  10. 在电子台上用三表法检三相三线表的实现

    The realizing of using three watt-hour meters to test three-phase three-wire meter on the electronical calibrator

  11. 进出口纸张、纸浆法检目录调整和生活用纸的检验

    Adjustment of the Imported and Exported Paper and Pulp in Legal Test Catalog and Inspection of Household Paper

  12. 图解法检算避难线长度的坡度换算问题商榷

    TECHNOLOGY ON LINE A Discuss on Gradient Conversion Problem in Inspecting the Length of Refuge Siding with Diagram Method

  13. 长期以来,民事执行要不要接受检察机关监督一直是颇具争议的话题,法检两院对此更是各执一词,争论不断。

    It has been a controversial topic whether civil enforcement shall receive procuratorial organs supervision or not for a long time .

  14. 日本、韩国、新加坡等亚洲国家,虽确定了中药的药品地位,但进口药材时法律要求进行等同于欧洲的有关重金属、农残、微生物等指标的法检。

    The status of Chinese Traditional Medicine is established in Japan , Korea and Singapore , and so on , but the import herbs must be determined .

  15. 法检和谐构建和谐社会的重要内容浅论我国人民法院、检察院关系之冲突与协调

    The Harmony of the Court and the Procuratorate are the Important Contents that Sets up a Harmonious Society & The shallow theory of the conflict and the coordination relation between our country court and procuratorate

  16. 在程序方面,构建法检机关合法的程序关系,理清其角色定位;建立并健全被害方求刑权;刑种转化应有完备程序控制和支撑。

    On the procedure system : legal procedures relationship between courts and procuratorates should be constructed and the role orientation should be clarified ; sentencing right to claim should be established and perfected of the victim ; punishments transformation should be controlled and supported by comprehensive procedure .

  17. 阻抗法、检压法及pH探针法在就餐前后检测反流的直接比较

    Direct comparison of impedance , manometry , and pH probe in detecting reflux before and after a meal

  18. 方法Kato-Katz法粪检确定108例慢性血吸虫病患者,随机分成4组,分别给予口服5mg/kg、10mg/kg、20mg/kg剂量吡喹酮和安慰剂。

    Methods 108 cases of patients with chronic schistosomiasis determined by Kato - Katz method were divided into 4 groups and given 5mg / kg 、 10mg / kg 、 20mg / kg body weight praziquantel and placebo respectively .

  19. 空间相机相关法实时检焦技术研究

    Study of Real-time Autofocusing Technique Using Correlation Method for Space Camera

  20. 酶底物法快检技术在四川5.12地震灾区生活饮用水监测中的应用

    Rapid detection method of enzyme substrate technique in drinking water in Sichuan 5.12 earthquake-stricken area

  21. 自动检调焦技术是保证空间相机拍摄出高质量图像的重要技术手段,本文介绍了一种自准直法实时检焦系统。

    Autofocusing technique is an important method to ensure the high quality image of space camera .

  22. 3革兰氏染色法镜检宫颈分泌物中淋球菌;

    Gram staining method was used to detect gonorrhoeae diplococcus in the secretion ofcervix of the pregnancy women .

  23. 并随机抽取10户承包田种植的蔬菜10种、土壤10处,用饱和硝酸钠溶液漂浮法镜检虫卵。

    10 sorts of vegetables and ten soil samples per household were collected from 10 families in each spot at random and examined for nematodes eggs by floating method with saturated nitric acid solution .

  24. 1988-1990年期间,我们采用卢戈氏碘液涂片法粪检原虫,共检查16079人,查见原虫感染者2963例,其感染率为18.4%。

    Stool specimens of 16 079 persons from 32 spots were examined by iodine staining method during 1988-1990 . Among the people examined , 2 963 were positive , the overall infection rate being 18.4 % .

  25. 重组DNA技术斑点杂交法检测生物检材的性别

    The biological material sexing by dot hybridization

  26. 认为由于DNA分析技术所具有的特点,使之已成为现今法科学生物检材检验的主要手段之一。

    Having characteristic of high biological identification , DNA analytic technique has been became one of main methods of bioassay .

  27. GC-MS法检测生物检材中的白酒和啤酒

    Detection of wine and beer in biological samples by GC-MS

  28. 由此,对具有专门的针对性的GPS平面精度检验方法,即样品检核法、长度检核法、测角检核法作出了分析和阐述,以供高精度平面精度检验参考。

    GPS plane precision checkout method , which has pertinence , of sample , length , and angular measurement is being analyzed and expounded for reference of high plane precision checkout .

  29. 同时,利用HPLC法对受检乳酸菌在MRS培养基体系和模式蔬菜发酵体系中发酵形成生物胺的水平进行分析。

    At the same time , biological amine formation in tested strains was evaluated in MRS liquid media and vegetable fermentation model was determined by HPLC method .

  30. 方法采用透明胶带粘贴法自受检者面部获取毛囊蠕形螨,按批随机编号,随机分为醇提物、水提物及对照组,分别于4、8和12h观察虫体死亡情况。

    Methods The mites were collected with adhesive cellophane tape and were randomly divided into alcoholic extract groups , water extract groups and control groups . The mites were observed in ( 4 h ),( 8 h ) and ( 12 h ) respectively .