
  • 网络Legal Writing
  1. 高职生学习民用法律文书写作的重要性及应注意问题

    The Importance and Advice of Learning Applied Writing of Civil Law Official Dispatch

  2. 法律文书写作的多媒体教学探讨

    Considerations on Multi-media Teaching of Legal Documents

  3. 主旨、材料、结构三个方面是基本事实和法律分析写作的关键环节,探讨法律意见书主旨、材料和结构的写作方法及写作技法,是写好法律意见书的根本所在。

    Subject , materials and structure are the three key links of the basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing . They are also the fundamental of the well-written legal opinion .

  4. 本文的研究结果将为面向不同读者从事描述性法律文本写作和法律翻译的专业人士提供一定的建议。

    The study results may provide some informative and systematic suggestions for the legal specialists who will be engaged in the writing or translating of the descriptive legal texts for two different groups of readers .

  5. 规范法律文书证据写作的法理分析

    Analysis about Principle of Law in Writing Stationery Proofs of Code Law

  6. 他放弃学法律而从事写作。

    He gave up law to become a writer .

  7. 法律信函的写作不是创造性的写作,它的目的既不是为了分析一个意思的细微差别,也不是为了引起读者的沉思或争论。

    Legal letter writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning .

  8. 学术规范主要包括学术道德规范、学术法律规范、写作技术规范和学术评价规范。

    The academic norm mainly includes the academic morals norm , academic law norm , the writing technical specification and academic evaluation norm .

  9. 法律意见书写作中最关键的两个部分是基本事实写作和法律分析写作,探讨这两部分的写作方法及写作技法对于写好此文书意义重大。

    The basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing are the two most critical parts of the legal writing . Researching the writing methods and skills of the instruments are of great significance for writing the legal opinion .

  10. 梁卫民拥有瑞典大学硕士学位。他说,海归们在这场考试中没有优势,因为试题多围绕在政治、公共管理、法律和公文写作方面。

    Liang , who has a master ` s degree from a Swedish university , said that overseas returnees have no advantages in the exam , which tests applicants in politics , public administration , law and document writing .

  11. 参加有挑战性的写作课程(不仅仅是创意写作课,而是新闻写作、科技文章写作之类的课程),如此你方能熟悉“新闻体”、“联合国体”、“法律体”等等写作风格。

    Take challenging composition courses ( not just creative writing courses , but classes in journalism , technical writing , etc. ) so you can " speak " journalese , UNese , legalese , etc.

  12. 法律语域词汇的计量研究,可为法律文书写作、法律英语教学等提供参考依据。

    The measurement research of the legal register vocabulary , can offer the reference basis for legal copy clerk 's writing , legal English teaching , etc. .

  13. 再次声明,法律规定、礼仪、良好的关系要求我们这个有秩序的维基新闻网站不进行侵犯版权许可、法律等的写作。

    Again , legal requirements as well as politeness and good relations demand that we police Wikinews and write without infringing licenses , copyrights , laws of secrecy and so on .