
  1. 迄至今日,关于文艺心理学的论著和译本都是很少的。

    Up to now , there are a few works and translations on Literary Psychology .

  2. 旋回沉积原理适用于始于最早的古生代迄至全新世的沉积物。

    The priciple of cyclic sedimentation applies to deposits dating from earliest Paleozoic time to the Holocene .

  3. 迄至詹姆斯一世,此地一直是历代国王和王后的宫殿。

    It had been occupied as a palace by all our kings and queens down to James I.

  4. 中国近现代史起自1840年的鸦片战争,迄至中国现行的改革开放。

    Modern Chinese History opens with the 1840 Opium War and terminates with the current reform and reopening .

  5. 迄至1988年,学校退学率高达百分之二十八点五,以对照日本的百分之五和苏联的百分之二。

    By 1988 , the school dropout rate had soared to 28.5 % , compared with Japan 's 5 % and the Soviet Union 's 2 % .

  6. 迄至80年代初,尽管各个时期都有一定比例低于法定婚龄结婚者,但多数民众却遵循了这一原则。

    In the early 1980 's , most of the young people followed the marriage law but some of them still got married below the legal marriage age .

  7. 迄至1987年,全国共载录有481处自然保护区,总面积约为23×10~6公顷,约占我国国土陆地面积的2.5%。

    By 1987 , there were 481 renature reserves , with a total area of c. 23 × 106 ha , 2.5 % of the land area of China .

  8. 玛丽公主号这类船,自从往来于大西洋两岸的班轮在世纪之交变得家喻户晓之后,迄至1930年代中期,一直根红苗正,颇负盛名。

    The Queen Mary belonged to a breed of ships that , by the mid-1930s , possessed an exclusive pedigree dating from the turn of the century when transatlantic liners became household names .

  9. 不过,从17世纪开始,闽潮商帮在海外日益受到殖民者的排挤与东道国的限制,迄至17世纪后期,这些限制已经发展到相当严重的地步。

    However , the Min-chao merchant guilds were elbowed out by colonists and restricted by host country gradually from 17th century , and the restriction was rather serious till the later period of 17th century . Their profit percentage declined ;

  10. 迄至八十八年底为止,完成之像片基本图包括:一、类比制图15160幅:(一)冶湾地区第一版像片基本图3773幅、第二版2000幅、第三版2400幅;

    At the end of 1999 , the finished photo base maps are included 1.Analog mapping with a total of 15,160 sheets : ( 1 ) the first edition 3,773 sheets , the second edition 2,000 sheets , and the third edition 2,400 sheets in Taiwan area .

  11. 迄至当下,我国食品安全法实施已近两年,作为自食品安全法立法以来就备受关注且颇受争议的十倍赔偿规定,在实施过程中亦遭受种种挫折和诸多质疑。

    By now , Food Safety Law in China has been in force for almost two years . The rule of tenfold compensation , as the focused and controversial rule since the legislation of Food Safety Law , has encountered all kinds of problems and undergone much questioning .
