
qì jīn wéi zhǐ
  • so far;thus far;hitherto;to this day;heretofore
迄今为止[qì jīn wéi zhǐ]
  1. 迄今为止,已经有许多研究学者对宽带信号的波达方向(DOA:directionofarrival)估计进行了研究,并且取得了非常显著的研究成果。

    To this day , there are many researchers have studied the direction-of-arrival ( DOA ) estimation for wideband signals , and have made many significant research results .

  2. 著名的Miner-Palmgren线性累积损伤理论的提出已有70余年,但由于疲劳问题的复杂性,迄今为止还没有一个模型的工程应用价值能与该理论媲美。

    Famous Miner-Palmgren linear damage rule has been presented for 70 years . Because of the complicacy of fatigue research , no model could be compared with the Miner rule in engineering application to this day .

  3. 这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。

    The exhibition contains some of his best work to date .

  4. 这个计划迄今为止还只是在酝酿之中。

    The plan , as yet , only exists in embryonic form .

  5. 迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。

    As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company .

  6. 这也许是他们迄今为止最糟糕的表现。

    It was possibly their worst performance ever .

  7. 这使得今年迄今为止发生事故的总数达到113起。

    This brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113 .

  8. 这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。

    This meeting has been , without doubt , one of the most useful we have had so far .

  9. “我认为这是迄今为止最好的。”“唔,仁者见仁,智者见智嘛。”

    ' I think this is the best so far . ' ' Well , that 's a matter of opinion .

  10. 太空望远镜拍摄到了迄今为止最清晰的冥王星的照片。

    The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto

  11. 《多蒂》是他迄今为止最好的小说。

    ' Dottie ' is by far his best novel to date

  12. 他迄今为止一直不为我说的俏皮话所动。

    He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies .

  13. 这是今年迄今为止的第三次袭击。

    The attack was the third so far this year .

  14. 迄今为止,主教还没有表明自己的态度。

    So far , the bishop hasn 't said where he stands .

  15. 迄今为止,退休金均等政策的主要受益者一直是男性。

    The main beneficiaries of pension equality so far have been men .

  16. 迄今为止,他们还没有找到一种对抗该病毒的方法。

    So far they have not found a way to fight the virus

  17. 迄今为止,我们掌握的能够指证两个嫌疑犯的证据少得可怜。

    So far , what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects .

  18. 迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。

    The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far .

  19. 迄今为止,一直重点强调的是要抵抗侵略。

    Hitherto , the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression

  20. 迄今为止,他们还从未成功过。

    So far , they have met with no success

  21. 她的最新小说是她迄今为止最好的一部。

    Her latest novel is her best yet .

  22. 罗伯特·巴乔注定会成为迄今为止最伟大的球员之一。

    Roberto Baggio was set to become one of the greatest players of all time

  23. 双方都应该努力,可迄今为止我们的关系只是一厢情愿。

    It takes two to tango and so far our relationship has been one-sided .

  24. 迄今为止,从前南斯拉夫接收的难民只有区区1,100人。

    It has so far accepted a miserable 1,100 refugees from the former Yugoslavia .

  25. 迄今为止,效果微乎其微。

    So far the effect is barely measurable .

  26. 他们报告说,云是影响气候的一个重要因素,但迄今为止没有进行过研究。

    They reported that clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate .

  27. 总统承认据他所知迄今为止还没有反叛者投降。

    The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far

  28. 警方这次缴获的海洛因是英国迄今为止数量最大的几宗之一。

    Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there 's ever been in Britain .

  29. 迄今为止政府仅仅是置身局外,任凭事态恶化。

    The government has just stood on the sidelines up to now and let the situation get worse .

  30. 在英国,我们迄今为止已经远远地避开了这两类麻烦。

    In Britain , we have so far escaped , in large measure , either of these afflictions .
