
  • 网络French high-speed railway;High-speed rail in France
  1. 介绍了法国高速铁路网概况、TGV高速列车的发展历程、各型TGV高速列车的主要技术特点和分布情况。

    Described are the general conditions of French high speed railway network , the development history of TGV high speed trains , as well as the main technical features and distribution of various types of TGV high speed trains .

  2. 罢工还迫使法国的高速铁路把车次减半。

    It also forced France 's express train operator to cut about half of its services .

  3. 同时,他们也抗议政府缩减福利项目,包括廉价住房以及连接法国的高速铁路,他们称这是浪费社会服务的资金。

    They also protest against government cuts to welfare programs like affordable housing and high speed train linked to France , they say as draining money from social services .

  4. 法国地中海线高速铁路桥梁的技术特点及建议

    The Technical Feature of High-speed Railway Bridge on Mediterranean Line of French

  5. 简介了日本、法国等国外高速铁路列车超速防护系统的控制方式。

    The control patterns applied to Automatic Train Protection System of high speed railways in Japan and France are introduced .

  6. 1981年法国巴黎-里昂高速铁路开通之后,更多企业把总部迁到了首都巴黎。

    In France , more businesses have relocated their headquarters to the capital since the Paris-Lyon high-speed line opened in1981 .

  7. 法国对本国全面的客运铁路系统非常自豪,但是批评人士称,法国在高速铁路上投资过多而忽略了公共铁路的投入。

    The French are proud of their extensive passenger rail system , but critics say the state has spent too heavily on high-speed rail to the detriment of classic rail .