
  • 网络faro
  1. 在法罗斯岛上矗立着被称为古代世界七大奇观之一的灯塔。

    On Pharos stood the famous lighthouse , one of the " seven wonders of the world " .

  2. 在亚历山大和法罗斯岛间有一条堤道连接,这样亚历山大就成了一个巨大的、更安全的通向东方的港口。

    A causeway connected the offshore island of Pharos with the port , creating a large western harbour and an adequate , safer one to the east .

  3. 丹麦领土包括北极圈内的法罗群岛和格陵兰岛。

    Denmark 's territory includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland in the Arctic Circle .