
  • 网络the Rule of Law Index;World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
  1. 因此,应当对法治指数的作用有客观的认识。

    Consequently , we should be objective to the role of rule of law index .

  2. 近年来,有关法治指数的问题在我国学界也频繁被的提出和探讨。

    In recent years , questions on the rule of law index have been raised and discussed in China .

  3. 最后是在法治指数本土化过程中所引起的对中国法治建设的启示。

    The last part is about the enlightenment of localized legal system construction in China .

  4. 因此在对待法治指数的态度应该是:取其精华,舍其糟粕,实现法治指数的本土化。

    Therefore , we should take the essence , discard the dregs so that the localization of Index of the Rule of Law can be realized .

  5. 其次,介绍我国法治指数践行情况,并对2007余杭法治指数的产生、体系设计和突出特点进行系统的介绍。

    Secondly , it describes the current situation of Index of the Rule of law in China , then make a systemic introduction on the emerging of Yuhang Index of the Rule of Law , as well as the system design and prominent features .

  6. 在此后的时间里,作为一种旨在客观而科学的反映地区法治现状的评估体系,法治指数被越来越多的国家的学者和政府所认识研究并采纳运用。

    Since then , the rule of law index , as a rating system on regional law status , has been recognized and accepted by more and more scholars and governments around the world .

  7. 法治量化评估的实践探索形式即法治指数。

    The forms of the practice and exploration in the quantitative evaluation to the rule of law is the index of rule of law .

  8. 在此基础上,笔者以我国的法治量化评估实践为评价范本对如何更好的发挥法治指数的效能进行了深入剖析。

    Based on that , the author analyses thoroughly how to promote the rule of law index more efficient by evaluating the practices of rule of law index in China .