
  1. 作者是哈佛大学法学院博士,来自一个极具声望的美国家庭。

    The writer , a Harvard law professor , comes from a prominent American family .

  2. 位于受损区域较外围、抵抗力较强的珊瑚礁可能只需要2、3年就可以完全恢复,法毕修斯博士表示,但是被飓风的刮平的珊瑚礁最长则可能需要20年才能回复旧观。

    More resistant coral on the outer edge of the damaged area was likely to take just two to three years to fully recover , Dr Fabricius said , while areas that were stripped bare of coral could take as long as20 years to bounce back .

  3. 申请人李挚萍为中山大学法学院教授、博士生导师。

    Li Zhi Ping is a professor and PhD supervisor in the Law School .

  4. 米歇尔本人就很清楚。即便当时高中学校顾问对她的选择有所怀疑,不过第一夫人最终还是去了普林斯顿大学,并于1985年以一级荣誉毕业,1988年在哈佛大学法学院取得法律博士学位。

    She would know . Despite doubts from her high school counselors , the first lady attended Princeton University , graduating cum laude in 1985 , and went on to earn a degree from Harvard Law School in 1988 .