
fǎ zhì yuán zé
  • principle of legality
  1. 克拉林顿宪法重申了这一法制原则。

    The principle of legality was reiterated by the constitution of claren .

  2. 监狱的法律属性决定了监狱管理必须坚持法制原则。

    The legal character of the jail determines that the administration of jails must insist the principle of legality .

  3. 现代社会,公共行政的原则体现为一是法制原则,依法行政是现代公共行政最基本的特征之一,也是现代公共行政的要求。

    In modern society , the principle of the public administration the first is legal system .

  4. 政府宏观调控农业产业化应遵循间接调控原则、效率原则、协调原则和法制原则。

    The government macro management should follow the principles of indirect management , highly efficiency , moderation and legal operation .

  5. 构建有中国特色的个人信用制度要在坚持信用原则、契约原则、法制原则、道德原则的基础上循序渐进,有步骤地实施。

    The construction of private credit system with Chinese features must be implemented step by step based on insistence on credit principle , contract principle , legal principle and moral principle .

  6. 社会主义法制原则之一&过错责任原则的内涵是客观上造成的损害事实而无主观过错,不需承担惩罚性责任。

    Fault liability , one of the socialist legal principles , means by connotation that punitive liability can not be assigned with reference to fault as a matter of objective and non-subjective consequence .

  7. 高校学生工作贯彻和实施以人为本的教育理念,要不断强化学生主体意识,努力建立一种以教育服务为中心,充分体现人文关怀和法制原则的管理机制与制度;

    To highlight the ideas of humanity in student work in universities , we must strengthen our awareness of students as subjectivity and establish administrative mechanism which centers on educational service , shows human concerns for students and reflects legal principles .

  8. 监狱人民警察是执行刑罚的主体,也是监狱管理的主体,监狱管理的法制原则能否得到贯彻关键在于监狱人民警察的执法水平。

    The jailer is a corpus that carries out the penalty , is also a corpus of the jail administration , so , whether the principle of legality of the jail administration can be carry through largely decided by the law enforcement level of jailers .

  9. 论行政法制基本原则

    On the basic principles of administrative legality

  10. 监督法制化原则。

    Supervise the legal principle .

  11. 首先,指出了系统性原则,精简、统一、效能原则,可控性原则和法制性原则等是转型期我国行政权力格局调整的基本原则。

    First , point out the system principle , and the basic principle of transformation is simplification , unification effect .

  12. 它与实行各民族平等、团结、共同繁荣的原则和国家法制统一原则是一致的。

    The policy of regional autonomy agrees with the national principle that each ethnic group must be equal and with the national unification of law .

  13. 根据现代行政法制的原则,城市规划行政管理的各项行为都要有法律的授权,并依法施行管理。

    Planning power exercised by government must have its mandate from laws or by-laws , and all the activities of urban planning administration must bound by law .

  14. 在制定地方性法规时,必须遵守坚持社会主义法制统一原则、围绕经济建设和服务改革开放原则、突出地方特色原则、协调原则和可行性原则。

    Principles such as adhering to the unity of legal system , laying stress on local characteristics and so on should be followed in the enacting of local legislation .

  15. 中小企业无形资本融资担保机构运作应遵循担保业务市场化原则,操作程序规范化、制度化和公开化原则,管理和监督法制化原则。

    Common guarantee for the loans of members , Such financing agencies should abide by market principles , and normative and institutional and open operating process , and management and suspension legality .

  16. 如果船舶管理人是以自己的名义与第三人发生法律关系,则其是该法律关系的当事人;(4)确立船舶管理人民事责任应遵循科学性原则、适时性原则及法制统一原则;

    ( d ) the principles for establishing the system of civil liability of ship managers are the ones of abidance by science , following the industry development and unification of legal system ;

  17. 应当根据以人为本原则、遵循生态规律原则、环境保护与经济发展相协调原则、可持续发展原则和法制化原则,对我国环境行政管理法律制度进行生态化改造。

    We should follow people-oriented principles , ecological law , coordinated principles between environmental protection and economic development , sustainable development principles and legalization principles to make ecological transformation of the environment administration law system .

  18. 在雅典城邦政治中,共同体秩序的确立是以法制为原则,法律是共同体成员通过协商而达成的契约。

    As to the city-state politics in Athens , the establishment of community order take the legal system as its principle , the law became the contract that arranged by all members of the community .

  19. 指导性案例创制原则主要包括:维护法制统一原则;渐进性建设原则;分类建设原则。

    ( 3 ) The principles of establishing directive cases mainly include : the principle of maintaining unification of legal system ; the principle of gradual establishment ; the principle of classifying establishment . 3 .

  20. 谈我国社会主义法制建设基本原则的确定

    On the Establishment of Basic Principle of Socialist Legal System in Our Country

  21. 论发达国家高等教育法制特征及原则

    On the Characteristics and Principles of Legal System of Higher education in Developed Countries

  22. 政府在养老保障改革过程中应遂循政府责任边界清晰化、变动渐进化和法制化三原则。

    The government should adhere to the three principles in the process of the pension security reform : clearness , gradualness , and legality of the boundary of its responsibility .

  23. 侦查程序中权利保障机制的建立应遵循法制国家程序原则和程序正当原则。

    In this article , it is suggested that the system of right protection in the procedure of investigation should be established conform to the rules of procedure and the principle of due process .

  24. 党性原则是法制新闻的基本原则。

    The principle of Party property is the fundamental principle of jural news .

  25. [判例案件]正设法制定若干普遍原则作为指引,他说道。

    [ The test cases ] are trying to lay down some general principles for guidance , he says .

  26. 尤其在讨论时,以一个与以往不同的视角,即罪名体系来探讨西周的核心法制思想与刑法原则。

    Especially in discussion , it studies the most important legal thought in the aspect of the system of the accusation .

  27. 决策程序合法原则、决策利益衡平原则和决策责任自负原则是行政决策法制化的基本原则。

    The tenets of justice on decision-making procedure , of decision-making equity and of decision-making liability are the basic principle about legalization of administrative decision-making .

  28. 以法治国的法制观念,礼法并重的法制原则,令顺民心、且怀且威的法制指导思想是构成管仲法制思想体系的主要内容。

    The main contents of Guan Zhong ' legality thoughts consist of the concept that the law governs a country , the principle that both proprieties and laws are important , and the guideline that orders should conform to people 's will and be pacifying and deterrent .

  29. 第四部分在上文的基础上提出了提升的路径,主要有:摆正大学生法制教育的地位;坚持大学生法制教育的原则;优化学校的法制教育工作以及加强社会力量的配合等。

    Place college legal education in a right position , adhere to the principle of education , optimize legal education work in school , strengthen social forces and so on .