
shēn biàn quán
  • Right of defense;right to defend oneself
  1. 陈述权和申辩权是行政相对人的重要权利。

    The right of statement and right of defense are the important rights for the concerned party of the administration law .

  2. 教育矫治的审批程序及监督程序设计应当体现对嫌疑人的权利保障,做到程序公正,亦应保证嫌疑人必要的陈述、申辩权。

    The procedures of approving and supervising should be fair , and should be designed to protect the rights of suspects , so that ensure the suspects can make necessary statements and explanations .

  3. 随着我国法治化进程的进一步加快,在行政处罚时充分尊重当事人的申辩权将成为社会发展的必然趋势。

    With the process of rule of law accelerating , it will be the necessary trend that the defence right of the privy is respected as full as possible during the administrative sanction .

  4. 在法院审查执行非诉执行案件时,应坚持书面审查原则,但应设置对相对方的调查程序以保障其陈述和申辩权。

    When law court examine and execute the case they should persist in written principle , but should set up a meeting procedure to protect exeplaining and defending themselves of party to lawsuit .

  5. 他说:每个特殊利益团体都有权享有公正,但并不是每一个都有权享有国会投票权,法庭申辩权,或者是公共部门的代表权。

    Every special interest is entitled to justice , he said . but not one is entitled to a vote in Congress , to a voice on the bench , or to representation in any public office .

  6. 首先,由陈述权和申辩权的保障入手,比较分析广义和狭义听取陈述和申辩制度不同的适用范围,从而给予该制度以初步界定。

    It begins with the ensuring of the right of statement and defense and gives preliminary definitions by analyzing the different ranges which the right of statement and right of defense in broad and narrow sense applies .

  7. 对相对人的程序权利,应加强第三人的程序权利,应以申辩不影响实体权利来保障申辩权。

    2 , As to counterpart 's right , the procedural right should be reinforced and the right to defend oneself should be guaranteed .