
  • 网络administrative hearing system
  1. 论建立我国行政听证制度的意义和价值分析

    On Significance and Value of Establishing Administrative Hearing System in China

  2. 行政听证制度的内在价值就是公正和公开。

    The inside values of the administrative hearing system are justice and publicity .

  3. 我国行政听证制度的发展与完善&中、美行行政听证制度之比较

    The Development and Perfection of Our Country 's Administrative Holding Court

  4. 论治安行政听证制度的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Hearing System in Public Security Administration

  5. 行政听证制度就是成果之一。

    The administrative hearing system is one of them .

  6. 随后通过的几部法律对行政听证制度又有了较大的发展。

    Then a few laws that were passed developed the administrative hearing system .

  7. 行政听证制度正体现了对公民权的尊重。

    The administrative hearing system is reflecting the respect to the civil right .

  8. 我国行政听证制度产生及存在的原因初探

    A brief analysis of emergence and existence of our national administrative hearing system

  9. 行政听证制度之法理思考

    Jurisprudential Thought of the Administrative Hearing Legal System

  10. 试谈我国行政听证制度的缺陷及完善途径

    Defect and Completive Approach to Administration Hearing System

  11. 正当程序与环境行政听证制度

    Due Process and Environmental Administrative Hearing System

  12. 最后,对国内外行政听证制度的研究现状进行了总结和概括。

    Finally , the study abroad administrative hearing system and summarized the current situation is summarized .

  13. 环境行政听证制度是听证程序在环境法领域适用的一种制度。

    Environmental administrative hearing system is a system under which hearing procedure is applicable to environmental law .

  14. 论文的第三部分针对我国现行行政听证制度中存在的主要问题提出了完善我国行政听证制度的一些设想和建议。

    Part three is conceive and the suggestions that aim at the disfigurement of hearing of administrative .

  15. 在我国立法及实践中,行政听证制度尚处于初创阶段。

    In the legislation and practice of our country , the administrative hearing system is still in preliminary stage .

  16. 第二节介绍了行政听证制度的法理基础及其法律价值。

    In the second section , the author introduced the theoretical foundation and values of the administrative hearing system .

  17. 同其他国家相比,我国行政听证制度有其独特的产生及存在的原因。

    Compared with other countries , the emergence and existence of administrative system in our country has its unique reasons .

  18. 在我国,环境行政听证制度起步晚、发展慢、其立法及执法尚不完善。

    In China , environmental administrative hearing system starts late , develops slowly , and its legislation and enforcement is imperfect .

  19. 然而,目前我国行政听证制度还处于初创阶段,很多规定还不规范、不健全。

    However , the Administrative Hearing System still in its infancy , many provisions are not standardized , is not perfect .

  20. 行政听证制度在中国应用的范围越来越广,所起的作用也十分明显。

    In China , the administrative hearing system has been applied in a wide scope and has exerted a marked influence .

  21. 行政听证制度是我国立法引进的一项新制度,是行政程序法的核心内容。

    Administrative hearing system is a new system legislation in our country , and it is the key content of administrative law of procedure .

  22. 但是目前我国正处于各种制度的发展和完善阶段,这其中也包括了行政听证制度。

    But our country is at development of various systems and completion stage at now , include the administrative hearing system too among them .

  23. 听证参加人及其法律地位是行政听证制度必须首先解决的一个重要的法律问题。

    It is an important legal problem that administrative hearing system must be solved at first to participants in the hearing and their legal status .

  24. 希望能通过对美国行政听证制度的研究进一步完善我国的行政听证制度。

    According to the research of administrative hearing system of the United States , I hope we can improve the administrative hearing system in our country .

  25. 因此,如何借鉴西方国家经验,结合我国国情,健全和完善我国行政听证制度,是一个具有重大现实意义的研究课题。

    Consequently how to use for reference the experience of western country and perfecting the system of administrative hearing by combining hearing practice has the significant research content .

  26. 虽然起步较晚,但从框架性的立法到实务规定,都取得了巨大进步,行政听证制度正在建立并逐渐完善。

    Despite a late start , but the legislative framework to the practical requirements , have made tremendous progress , administrative hearing system is established and gradually perfected .

  27. 我国行政听证制度的构建与完善对行政听政的价值取向探讨中,指出我国现阶段应选择初级公正模式;

    In the discussion of the value tropism of administrative hearing system , it pointed out that the elementary impartial model should be chosen in the present phase .

  28. 鉴于听证制度在完善环境法制方面的重要作用,法学界开始日益关注环境行政听证制度并探讨其完善措施。

    Considering the important role hearing system plays in environmental law , law experts begin to increasingly concern about the the system of environmental administrative hearings and its improvement .

  29. 然而,中国实行行政听证制度的时间不长,具体制度上还存在许多不够完善的地方。

    However , due to many reasons , Chinese administrative hearing is not so complete until now , there are lots of problems in the administrative system of China .

  30. 我国的行政听证制度正处在一个新生发展的时期,有很多的不足之处,需要进行完善。

    The administrative hearing system of our country is in the period for development of a new student , there are many weak points , need carrying on completely .