
  1. 俄联邦与立陶宛在建构行政司法行为的法律规范机制以及行政委员会,在行政纠纷解决机制中的主体地位方面存在较大差异。

    There are differences both on the legal norms of administrative justice action and on the position of administrative commission between the Russian Federation and the Lithuania .

  2. 同时,一些新的问题又随之产生,如行政行为与司法行为介入的冲突性。

    At the same time , some new problems arise , such as the confliction between administrative and judicial intervention .

  3. 通过在列举非法采矿行为时增设兜底性条款、明确行政行为与司法行为介入的界限、构建矿产资源的刑法保护体系和调整法定刑的设置等方式使得非法采矿罪的问题得以解决。

    Through adding general provisions of illegal mining behaviors , clearing out the intervention boundary between administrative behavior and the judicial behavior , constructing mineral resources protection system of criminal law , adjusting the legal punishment setting , these problems can be solved .

  4. 比较分析学术界关于行政仲裁的三种性质定位,笔者提出自己更加倾向于行政仲裁属于行政司法行为的主张。

    Comparative analysis on administrative arbitration academic three properties positioning , the author puts forward himself more inclined to administrative arbitration belongs to administrative judicial behavior claim .