
xínɡ zhènɡ lì fǎ chénɡ xù
  • administrative legislative procedure
  1. 为此,就有必要建立与WTO相适应的行政立法程序。

    Therefore , it is necessary for China to build up administrative legislative procedure consistent with WTO rules .

  2. 我国行政立法程序的法制化还在许多方面都有进一步加强和完善的必要,尤其是公众对行政立法的参与的广度和深度还远远不够。

    In our country , the legalization of the administrative legislative procedure is still in many aspects necessary to strengthen and perfect further , especially the public is far from participation to administrative legislation .

  3. 为适应WTO规则的透明度要求,我国的行政立法程序需要改革,以使其具有更大的开放性,便于利害关系人的参与。

    To meet the requirement of the WTO 's principle of transparence , China 's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties .

  4. 论我国行政立法程序中的公众参与

    On the Public Participation in the Procedure of Administrative Legislation

  5. 我国行政立法程序中公众参与相关法律问题研究

    Research on Related Legal Issues of Public Participation in Chinese Administrative Legislation Procedure

  6. 当代行政立法程序控制初论

    Discussion on Controlling of Procedure of Administrative Legislation

  7. 此中有对国外先进经验的借鉴和对我国行政立法程序规制有关新情况的分析,力求本文的理论研究既能回应现实又能超越于现实。

    The theoretical study in this thesis responds to the reality and beyond the reality as well .

  8. 第三部分对行政立法程序的历史发展、现状情况及存在的问题进行了研究。

    Our duty is to near to this state by the perfect procedure of the administrative legislation .

  9. 本部分主要针对地方行政立法程序的现状,着力挖掘隐藏在这些现象背后的各种影响因素。

    In light of the current situations of local administrative legislation procedures , this part is to find out various swaying factors behind these phenomena .

  10. 主要探讨我国地方行政立法程序的概念、程序设置意义、现行程序的基本内容和程序历史沿革问题。

    It mainly deals with the concept of China 's administrative legislation procedures , the implication for procedure design , basic contents of current procedures and their historical evolution .

  11. 建立公正优先、兼顾效率的行政立法程序模式,是实现对行政立法权有效控制的必然选择。

    Therefore to establish a pattern of the procedure of administrative legislation , which takes priority for justice , giving consideration to efficiency , is a certain choice to realize the efficient control of the power .

  12. 行政立法程序的随意性和立法过程中产生的立法部门化和地方化使得对完善行政立法程序的呼声越来越高,行政法学者适时将行政立法回避制度引入到中国。

    Executive legislation procedural randomness and legislative departmentalization and localization generated in the process of legislation consummate executive legislative procedure for increasing demands , administrative law scholars with timely introduced of the executive legislative avoidance system to China .

  13. 从中国行政立法程序及完善动因、全球贸易规则对中国行政立法程序的控制和建立与世贸规则要求相适应的行政立法程序三个层面探讨中国行政立法程序的完善。

    This text discusses it mainly from the view of legislative procedure of the Chinese administration and reasons of perfection , Global trade rules controlling on legislative procedure of Chinese administration and foundation and Global trade rule requests three aspects .

  14. 基于此,本文提出行政立法程序违法责任体系建构与实施的设想,并从行政立法程序违法的表现形态、基本成因、影响危害等方面做了深入分析。

    Based on this , this paper presents the idea of system construction and implementation of the responsibility in illegal administrative legislation procedure , and analyzes the illegal administrative legislation procedure from expression forms , basic causes , effects and other aspects .

  15. 析亟待扩大适用范围的我国行政立法听证程序

    Analysis of Applicable Range to Be Urgently Expanded in Chinas Administration Legislation Hearing Program

  16. 规定过于笼统,且实体内容多,程序内容少。造成我国行政合同立法程序性规定缺乏的原因与我国法律传统有关。

    Stipulation is too general and entity contents are excessive , but procedure 's contents are not enough ;

  17. 但是我国行政立法的程序规制状况并非完美无瑕,而是随着时间的推移暴露出许多问题,致使对行政立法的规制力度渐显疲软。

    However , these regulations are not perfect , and as time passes by , many problems have occurred , which has exposed the weakness of the regulation of administrative legislature .

  18. 实现行政立法的程序价值的途径在于,积极地实现参与性价值,灵活地实现选择性价值和强制地实现制约性价值。

    The approach to the realization of the procedure value in administrative legislation is to realize the value of positive participation , to realize the value of option flexibly and to realize the value of conditioning compulsorily .

  19. 以行政院的立法程序为例,其实际运行往往受到某个机构或个人的影响。

    Taking the legislative procedure in administrative committee , its operation had been influenced by some organization or some people .

  20. 通过社会学视角和手法,可以揭示行政立法的非正式程序和正式程序的多样性和复杂性,以及它们如何表达不同利益、吸纳不同意见的。

    By sociology view and technique , we can show up their diversity and complexity of formal or informal process in administrative rulemaking , and show up the interests how to be expressed or the different opinions to be absorbed .

  21. 从某种意义上而言,行政立法的法治化也是行政立法程序的规范化和法治化。

    In some sense , the standardization of administration 's legislative procedure is the legislation in the administration rule by law .

  22. 我国行政法领域中未来的立法方向应是制定一个包括行政立法程序、行政执法程序和行政司法程序在内的统一的行政程序法典。

    In the field of administrative law , the legislative trend is to make a uniform code of administrative procedure comprised of administrative legislation procedure , administrative enforcement procedure , and administrative judicial procedure .

  23. 实际上,在国外的许多国家和地区行政立法公众参与已成为一种常态,公众参与行政立法这一程序有有效的制度来保障和落实。

    In fact , in many foreign countries and regions of the public participation in the administrative legislation has become a norm , the public participation in the administrative legislation of this procedure have effective systems to safeguard and implement .

  24. 为保护行政相对人合法权益,提高行政立法质量,我国行政立法适用听证程序具有必要性。

    Since the nature of this procedure is to hear opinions oi the interested patties , it is necessary to apply it to our administrative legislation for the purpose of protecting the legal interests of the administrative parties and improve the quality of our administrative legislation .

  25. 而完善行政立法来推进依法行政受到现行宪政体制的约束,要突破现行宪制的困扰实现依法行政只有加强行政立法程序控制和实行行政立法诉讼。

    To realize the government by law , we should intensify the procedural control of administrative legislation and carry out suit of administrative legislation .