
  • 网络program partitioning
  1. 一个基于对象的程序划分算法

    An Object - Based Program Partitioning Algorithm

  2. 在这个框架中,我们采用程序划分的方法来解决同步不同的线程时面临的各种困难和议题。

    In this framework , we use a program partitioning approach to tackle the problems and issues on synchronizing different threads .

  3. Area提供了一个方法将一个大型Web应用程序划分为不同的项目。

    Areas provide a means of dividing a large web application into multiple projects .

  4. 这种模型把Web应用程序划分为三个基本的层次:用户界面层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。

    This model is the Web application is divided into three basic levels : user interface layer , business logic and data access layer .

  5. 通过合理地将程序划分为CPU单线程、CPU多线程和GPU多线程执行部分,高效地利用了计算机的处理能力。

    In order to efficiently use computer processing power , the program was divided into different parts which were processed by CPU single-thread , CPU multi-thread and GPU multi-thread respectively .

  6. 它基于fork-join的并行执行模型,将程序划分为并行区和串行区。

    It is based on fork-join parallel execution model , and divides the application into parallel section and serial section .

  7. 可以在程序划分语句中引用LINAGE-COUNTER;但不能用这些语句修改它。

    LINAGE-COUNTER can be referred to in procedure division statements ; it must not be modified by them .

  8. 把程序划分为方法,每个方法执行一个可识别的任务。

    Divide your programs into methods that perform one identifiable task .

  9. 一种将串行程序划分成并行任务的方法

    A Method for Partitioning a Sequential Program into Parallel Tasks

  10. 这其中的思想是把应用程序划分为不同的功能块。

    The idea here is to break our application into distinct functional pieces .

  11. 首先,编译器将滑动窗口应用源程序划分为控制部分和运算部分。

    Firstly , the compiler partitions the source codes into two parts : control cell and operation cell .

  12. 将应用程序划分为层,这是一种在体系结构中关注点分离的基本技术。

    Dividing the application into tiers ( or layers ) is an essential technique for separating concerns within the architecture .

  13. 此技术最适合小型团队,但能够通过恰当地将应用程序划分为较小的组件来进行扩展。

    It is mostly suitable for small teams but can be scaled by suitably factoring the application into smaller components .

  14. 安全团队然后将进一步把应用程序划分到各个安全性类别,如高、中和低。

    The security team then further divides the applications into security categories , such as high , medium , and low .

  15. 体系结构本身充当将应用程序划分为反映关注分离的结构的主要机制。

    The architecture itself serves as the primary vehicle for dividing the application into structures that reflect a separation of concerns .

  16. 首先,他需要一个团队来帮助他将应用程序划分成模块,每一个模块只关注于一个行为变化。

    First , he gets a team to help him to divide the application into modules , each focusing on a behavioral change .

  17. 将城市生态规划程序划分了四个阶段:前期准备阶段、生态调研阶段,分析变换阶段与规划成果阶段。

    Its ' program has divided 4 stages : preparative stage and ecological investigation stage , analysis transformation stage and program production stage .

  18. 把应用程序划分为一系列层有助于收缩问题的范围,可以简化容量扩展。

    Breaking down the application into a series of tiers helps to reduce the scope of the problem , and allows for easier scaling .

  19. 为了弥补这个缺点,程序员需要将应用程序划分为一组子应用程序,这样操作系统才可以在不同优先级上运行。

    To compensate , a programmer would need to partition an application into a set of applications that the operating system can then run at different priorities .

  20. 给出了一种将串行程序划分成并行任务的方法。该方法的关键是如何通过识别并行循环任务和并行过程任务来构造具有优先关系的任务图。

    This paper gives a method for partitioning a sequential program into parallel tasks The key in the method is how to construct the task graph with precedence relation through recognizing the parallel loop tasks and parallel procedural tasks .

  21. 使用SEDA,应用程序被划分为若干个阶段。

    In SEDA , an application is divided into stages .

  22. 其他状态数据(如DataPower服务的事务率)是按应用程序域划分的,并且可进一步通过XML-Manager或DataPower服务划分。

    Other status data ( such as transaction rates for DataPower services ) are segmented by application domain and may be further segmented by XML-Manager or DataPower service .

  23. 一种用于软件测试的程序结构划分方法

    A Program Structure Partition Method Used for Software Testing

  24. 这是一种对应用程序进行划分,从而使吞吐量最大化的好方法。

    It 's a great way to partition your applications to maximize throughput .

  25. 程序模块划分的一种数学方法

    A mathematical approach to the program module partitioning

  26. 在该方案中,传统的应用程序被划分为用户界面描述文件、对话流程定义文件以及计算组件三个部分。

    Application is separated into three parts in this UIMS system , which are user interface description , interaction definition and computation component .

  27. 把绩效管理程序上划分为绩效计划、绩效辅导、绩效考核与绩效反馈与面谈四个循环阶段。

    Performance management procedure is further divided into four recycling phases like performance planning , performance coaching , performance evaluation and performance feedback and interview .

  28. 通过对用户宏程序的划分,对适于宏程序编程的典型零件的图形、参数及工艺文件进行详细描述。

    Through the dividing of user macros , the article describes in details the typical parts graphics , parameters and process documents suitable for macro programming .

  29. 根据非线性有限元的求解步骤,把整个程序框架划分成一些基类,并派生出相应的子类。

    According to the process of finite element , the whole program frame can be divided into several basic classes , from which some sub-classes are derived .

  30. 在法国早期国际私法的发展过程中,笔者对早期国际私法学者的学术成果进行了粗浅的阐述,归纳出他们对法律实体与程序的划分和四种系属公式的初步认识;

    In early phase , the author elucidates the early scholars ' achievement and sums up its attainment about the divide of procedure law and substantial law .