
  • 网络GPIB;NIC-CK;programmable power
  1. 用AVRMCU实现的程控电源的设计

    Design of the Programmable Power Supply Based on AVR MCU

  2. 基于D/A转换器的程控电源设计

    The Design of Programmable Power Supply Based on Digital to Analog Converter

  3. 根据低压程控电源程控接口的特点,阐述了程控电源PC总线控制板卡的设计原理。

    According to the characteristics of program controlled interface in low voltage programmable power supply , the design principles of PC bus board in programmable power supply are described .

  4. 电源还设置了RS232接口,可与计算机连接构成智能程控电源。

    It also has RS232 interface that can constitute intelligent current source controlled by program with computer .

  5. 介绍了一个在PC/104总线基础上采用数字闭环技术实现的交、直流精密程控电源,详述了组成数字闭环的硬件原理框图和PID控制算法。

    A precise AC / DC programmable source based on PC / 104 bus and digital close loop is introduced . The hardware diagrammatic layout and PID control algorithm are presented in detail . The programmable source is portable .

  6. Win98环境下程控电源监控程序的实现

    Implementation of Console for the Programmable Supply on Win 98

  7. ELGAR现代程控电源产品及其应用

    Categories and Applications of Modern Programmable Control Power Supply

  8. 通过组态配置程控电源、串行A/D和相应的硬件接口电路,基于单控制总线的编译码系统,构成PTCR参数测试虚拟仪器,并成功应用于PTCR零功率伏安特性测量。

    Serial A / D and hardware interface , the virtual instrument for measuring of PTCR parameters is constructed , and it succeed to work in measuring the zero power consumption V-I characteristics of PTCR .

  9. 在系统中,NiosCPU控制程控电源输出电压的大小、操舵指令的生成、鱼雷电源组件各输出所接模拟负载的通/断、待检信号的选通及采集。

    In the system , NIOS CPU controls the magnitude of output voltage of program-controlled powers , the creation of manipulated instruction , the state of simulation loading connected with every output of torpedo power components , and selection and gathering of signals to detect .

  10. 电热原子化器的单片机程控电源研制

    Research on Program-controlled Power with Single Chip Microcomputer for Electrothermal Atomizer

  11. 暖体假人直流程控电源的研究与应用

    Study and application of program-control DC power for thermal manikin

  12. 芯片毛细管电泳程控电源的研制

    A Programmed Power for Capillary Electrophoresis on a Chip

  13. 基于LabWindows/CVI的程控电源监控软件设计

    Design of Supervision Software Based on LabWindows / CVI for Programmable Power Supply

  14. 基于数字闭环的程控电源

    A Programmable Source Based on Digital Close Loop

  15. 本书对程控电源的设计及基本理论和方法进行了简单介绍。

    The book of program-controlled power supply design and basic theory and methods for a brief introduction .

  16. 三相变频移相程控电源信号电路的设计三相有源电力滤波器控制方法的研究

    The Designing of Three Phase Frequency Conversive Dephasing Programmed Power Source ; Study on Control Method of Three-phase APF

  17. 实践表明,该谐波电源工作性能稳定,控制精度和快速响应性能均较程控电源有较大提高。

    And that this harmonious wave power supply has improved in the stability , the precision and high speed response is proved in practice .

  18. 研究了程控电源的闭环控制,对比分析了利用数据采集卡实现数据采集的方法。

    As for the close-loop control a comparative approach is adopted to make an analysis of the methods for collecting data by data acquisition card .

  19. 本文将讨论利用微机实现D/A转换器自动测试和在测试专用接口方面的开发应用:即微机总线扩展、微机与测试的隔离、程控电源、继电器开关阵及8&16位数据通道等。

    I. e. bus extension for microcomputers , isolation of microcomputers from test , programmable power supply . relay matrices and 8-16 bit data channels etc.

  20. 系统由程控电源、测试回路、信号采样/调理电路和数据采集接口卡等部分组成。

    The system is composed of a programmable power , a test circuit , a signal sampler , a signal conditioner and a data acquisition card .

  21. 本文介绍了单体和整组继电器测试数据的处理方法、测试软件系统的数据库逻辑结构及程控电源命令字的生成过程。

    In this paper is described in detail the data of the single relay and group relay tests , the logistic structure of the database of the test software system and the generating process of the command words of the programing power supply .

  22. 介绍了一种作为同步发电机励磁电源的三相变频移相程控电源,着重说明了电源的中心环节信号合成电路的工作原理和8098单片机的作用。

    The paper introduces a three phase frequency conversive dephasing programmed power source which can work as synchronous generator field power source , and stresses the working principle of signal synthesis circuit in the central link well as the function of 8098 computer on slice .

  23. 用于ATE程控直流电源

    Programmable DC Power Supply Used in ATE

  24. 基于VISA的程控直流电源控制技术在热流模拟中的应用

    Application of programmable DC power supply control based on VISA in heat flux simulations

  25. 通信转换接口的程控开关电源

    Program Switching Mode Power Supply Applying to the Interface of Communication Conversion

  26. 程控交换机电源的网络监控系统

    The Network Monitoring System of Program-controlled Switchboard Power Supply

  27. 介绍了用于电压继电器动作特性测试的可程控交流电源。

    A programmable power supply which tests action characteristic of voltage relay is presented .

  28. 一种高效程控直流电源设计

    The Design of an Efficient Programmable DC Power

  29. 程控交换机电源网络监控系统的应用研究越来越被该领域的人们所关注。

    The research on the application of program-controlled switchboard power supply network monitoring system is more and more concerned .

  30. 最后,本文对这种新型程控交换机电源的网络监控系统进行了总结,并提出进一步研究的方向。

    At last we summarize this new kind of monitoring system and point out its potential on further research .