
jiè zhì qiánɡ dù
  • dielectric strength;disruptive strength
  1. 真空开关介质强度恢复的研究

    An Investigation on Dielectric Strength Recovery of a Vacuum Switch

  2. 应用流注理论对断路器开断过程中的介质强度进行了计算分析。

    The streamer theory is used to analyze the dielectric strength during circuit breaking .

  3. 模拟显示固结波速随锚固介质强度的变化是由锚杆中的P波以及锚杆和锚固介质界面处产生的界面波此消彼长而引起的。

    The essence of the phenomena is explained with numerical simulation , which shows that the changes are brought by the P wave and fluctuation of interfacial wave of the bolt and grouted medium .

  4. 讨论了Kerr介质强度系数μ、光场压缩因子γ、光场相干振幅分量模平方α2和原子-场的耦合系数λ对光子统计分布特性的影响。

    Meanwhile , the influence of Kerr medium μ, the squeezed light field factors γ the coherent vibration amplitude | α | 2 and the coupling parameters λ of the field-atom on the photon statistical properties are also discussed .

  5. 而Kerr介质强度系数μ也影响着场熵演化的周期性,随着μ的增大,场熵演化曲线的Rabi振荡频率明显变快,而其最大值却不断减小。

    The Kerr medium intensity parameters μ influences the periodicity of the evolution curves of the field-entropy . With the increase of μ, the Rabi oscillation frequency of the evolution curves of the field entropy becomes rapid obviously .

  6. 岩土介质强度参数相关性的敏感度分析

    Analyses of Susceptibility in the Strength Parameters Interrelationship of Rock and Soil Media

  7. 试验结果表明,低强度介质强度与高强度介质的强度之比?

    It is shown that the ratio of strengths ?

  8. 真空灭弧室弧后介质强度恢复的不稳定性

    Non-Stability of Post-Arcing Recovery Process in Vacuum Interrupters

  9. 开断电流减小,介质强度恢复的速度快,介质强度高。

    There are higher dielectric strength and faster recovery process of dielectric strength when interrupting current decreasing .

  10. 应用此装置测量了不同分断条件下陶土灭弧室和栅片灭弧室内的介质强度恢复特性。

    With this equipment , the dielectric recovery strength characteristics of ceramic chambers and deion plate chambers are studied .

  11. 当岩芯强度低于或等于外围介质强度时,这种剧烈形变带集中在岩芯以外的一侧;

    Such zone may be found on one side of the core , if the strength of core is below or equal to that of the peripheral material .

  12. 根据粘结强度的理论计算公式,指出影响粘结强度的因素为:锚固长度、锚固直径、周围介质强度。

    According to the intensity of adhesion to the formula , point out influence the cohesive strength factors are anchorage length , anchorage diameter , surrounding medium strength .

  13. 在具有同样介质强度条件下,推得不同断层面宽度情况下震源体线性尺度与震级的关系式。

    In the condition of the same medium strength , the relative expression between source linear dimension and magnitude is derived in the case of different fault plane width .

  14. 指出在大震孕育过程中的区域地震活动迁移过程,可能与区域介质强度或原有断面闭锁粘结程度存在差异有关。

    The migration process might be related to the difference of the medium strength in the different areas , and to the degree of locking on the different fault surfaces .

  15. 触发真空开关的开断能力与主间隙间的暂态电压恢复特性、介质强度恢复过程、电流频率、以及触头材料和结构等因素有关。

    Breaking capacity of TVS depends on the characteristic of a rise rate of transient recovery voltage , dielectric insulation strength recovery processing , current frequency , electrode structures as well as electrode materials .

  16. 强大的击穿电流透过地壳时,使这里的高电阻层介质强度受到破坏,这就可能触发释放应力势能。

    And as the high breakdown voltage goes through the crust , the dielectric strength of high resistance there would be seriously destroyed , thus making it possible to trigger the releasing of stress energy .

  17. 在介质强度低、岩石较破碎的地区就会发生较多的中、小地震,而在介质强度高、岩石较完整的地区就不容易发生中、小地震,这样就可能形成地震空区或空段。

    Under the effect of the triggering force , the small and moderate earthquakes may easy accur in the low strength medium region , but in the high strength medium region the earthquake isn 't easy to occur .

  18. 本文通过测量真空灭弧室中屏蔽罩电位与电弧电压和恢复电压关系的动态变化波形,探讨真空灭弧室在短路电流分断过程中,真空电弧的燃弧规律和弧后介质强度恢复规律。

    This paper studies the arcing and post-arcing medium-intensity recovery of vacuum arcs during short-circuit breaking of a vacuum interrupter by measuring the dynamic charge waveforms of the relationship between shield potential , arc voltage and recovery voltage .

  19. 电力系统的瞬态恢复电压对真空开关的介质强度恢复影响极大,根据是否考虑这一影响可把真空开关的介质恢复过程分为实际恢复过程和固有恢复过程。

    Transient voltage in a power system significantly affects the dielectric strength recovery of a vacuum switch . Depending on whether or not this effect is taken into consideration , the dielectric recovery process can be divided into actual recovery and inherent recovery processes .

  20. SF6新型断路器的弧后介质绝缘强度的分析

    Analysis dielectric strength of new type SF_ 6 circuit breaker after current zero

  21. XRD测试结果表明制备的BST薄膜具有完整的钙钛矿晶体结构,相对介电常数超过150,介质击穿强度大于1.3MV/cm。

    The film showed integrated perovskite crystal structure under the XRD test . The relative dielectric constant was over 150 and dielectric strength was larger than 1.3 MV / cm .

  22. 运用密度算符间的距离研究了附加克尔介质依赖强度耦合JaynesCummings模型中原子、场及整个量子系统态的演化规律。

    The properties of state evolution of the atom , field , and atom field systems in the intensity dependent coupling Jaynes Cummings Model with an additional Kerr medium are investigated by using the distance between density operators .

  23. 地震的发生主要与断层的稳定性而不是介质的强度有关。

    Seismicity is related to stability of fault rather than its strength .

  24. 颗粒形态对离散介质剪切强度的影响

    Effects of particle shape on shear strength of discrete media

  25. 气吹电弧介质恢复强度的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Dielectric Recovery of Arc in Forced Convection Gas Flow

  26. 接触器弧隙介质恢复强度的测试研究

    Measurement and Investigation of the Dielectric Recovery Strength between the Separating Contacts of Contactors

  27. 多孔介质高强度传热传质的理论研究

    A theory study of heat and mass transfer in wet porous media by high-intensity heating

  28. 接触器栅片灭弧室介质恢复强度及重燃过程的分析

    Analysis of Dielectric Recovery Strength and Reignition Process in Iron Splitters Chambers of AC Contactor

  29. 由介质击穿强度认识两个静电问题

    Understanding of the Two Problems of the Static Electricity through the Degree of the Medium Puncture

  30. 测量低压电器弧隙介质恢复强度的新线路

    A new circuit for measuring the arc gap dielectric recovery strength of low voltage electrical apparatus