
  1. 近年来,随着介入器材及技术的不断发展,先天性心脏病经导管介入治疗得到了极大的发展。

    With the development of interventional equipment and technology , transcatheter therapy for congenital heart disease continues to evolve in significant ways .

  2. 随着冠状动脉介入器材日益精细化,经桡动脉途径的冠状动脉介入术越来越普遍。

    Recently , the transradial coronary intervention was more and more common due to the equipment of coronary artery intervention increasingly miniaturization .

  3. 随着介入器材发展和操作技术的熟练,肝脏门脉系统介入诊疗工作有很大发展。

    Along with the development of interventional appliances and proficiency of operational skills , the interventional diagnosis and treatment via hepatic portal vein system have achieved great progress and improvement .

  4. 随着介入器材的不断改进、介入经验的积累以及操作技术的提高,形成了科学的、规范的介入心脏病学,但由于进口材料昂贵限制了其在我国的发展。

    With the continous improvement of intervention equipment , the accumulation of experience and the improvement of operation technology , it gradually formed a scientific , standardized interventional cardiology , but its development in China was limited by the expensive imported materials .

  5. 临床介入治疗器材及材料的结构与性能简介

    Structure and Performance of Interventional Therapy Material