
  • 网络water-borne infectious disease;water-borne infection disease;water-borne communicable disease;water-bornecommunicabledisease
  1. 农村饮用水和环境卫生与介水传染病的相关性研究

    Relationship among Rural Drinking Water , Sanitation and Waterborne Infectious Diseases

  2. 应积极有效的预防各种水污染,以防止介水传染病的暴发流行。

    It was very important for pollution control to prevent the outbreak and prevalence of infectious diseases via water .

  3. 广西农村寄宿学校饮水微生物污染与介水传染病关系分析

    Analysis on the relationship between the current microbial pollution situation in drinking water and water borne diseases in Guangxi rural boarding schools

  4. 水库形成后可能发生的对人群健康产生的潜在影响:介水传染病尤其是病毒性肝炎的发病;

    Possible latent effect of dam on health of people : The situation of the water-based infectious diseases , especially the virus hepatitis , was severe .

  5. 新疆改水工程大大改善了农村饮水条件,使介水传染病发病率减小,环境及生活习惯都发生了可喜变化。

    The project of drinking water improvement greatly ameliorates drinking water conditions and reduces waterborne infectious diseases in rural areas of Xinjiang , where the habits of farmers and environment are varying gradually but profoundly .

  6. 本文报道了三峡工程四川库区移民安置区的自然疫源性疾病,虫媒传染病、介水传染病和地方病等的目前流行态势和环境卫生状况;

    The prevalence situation of natural source disease , vector transmission , water-medium and epidemic diseases and the environmental health status in the immigrant settling areas of the Three-gorge Project region in Sichuan are reported .

  7. [目的]了解游泳池水的卫生状况,为开展游泳池水质重点项目检测提供依据,预防介水传染病的发生。

    [ Objective ] To understand the sanitary condition of the water in swimming pool , to provide a basis for carrying on the investigation of the water quality in swimming pool and to prevent the occurrence of water-borne infectious diseases .

  8. 根据此次农村集中式供水卫生质量与介水传染病发病率相关性分析结果,改善农村集中式供水卫生状况对降低农村介水传染病发病率有积极的意义。

    According to the analysis results of the rural areas in the water supply and sanitation quality and waterborne infectious disease incidence rate correlation , the improvement of rural centralized water supply hygiene on the reduction of rural waterborne infectious disease incidence rate has a positive significance .

  9. 正为赛事做准备的外国运动员一直担心,介水性传染病会让他们的奥运梦化为泡影。

    Foreign athletes preparing for the games have long expressed concern that waterborne illnesses could thwart their Olympic dreams .

  10. 本研究为水资源污染控制及介水性传染病的预防和控制在方法学上进行了一次有益探索。

    It is a practical and beneficial exploration in the water pollution control and the water-based infectious diseases prediction and control .

  11. 用重庆市渝中区2003-2005年各医院统计的介水性传染病住院人数为研究对象,引入支持向量回归机建立水质对人群健康影响的预测模型。

    A support vector regression machine based forecasting model was established for predicting the influence of the water quality on population health , based on the number of water-based infectious diseases inpatients from 2003 to 2005 in Yuzhong District of Chongqing .