
  • 网络risk assessment;risk evaluation
  1. Meta分析及生物统计模型在PAHs致人群健康损害危险度评价中的应用研究

    Application of Meta-analysis and Biostatistical Models for the Risk Assessment of Population Health Hazard Exposed to PAHs

  2. 长江上游典型区SOTER数据库支持下的土壤侵蚀危险度评价

    Soil Erosion Risk Assessment in Typical Region of Upper Reaches of Yangtse River by Using SOTER

  3. 基于GIS的济南市土壤侵蚀潜在危险度评价研究

    Research on Soil Erosion Potential Danger in Jinan Based on GIS

  4. 基于遥感与GIS的土壤侵蚀潜在危险度评价研究&以青岛市为例

    Gis-and-rs-based evaluation of soil erosion potentiality & a case study of Qingdao

  5. 泥石流危险度评价的GIS与专家系统集成方法研究

    Study on Integration Methods of GIS and Expert System for Mudflow Hazard Assessment

  6. 在此基础上,采用Fuzzy评价的方法,建立了发生粉尘爆炸的危险度评价模型。

    Adopting the evaluating method of fuzzy synthesizing . Evaluating model of power dust bang on risk is established .

  7. 基于AHP-Fuzzy方法的危岩危险度评价

    Dangerous Degree Estimation of Perilous Rock Based on AHP-Fuzzy Method

  8. 目的介绍应用Benchmarkdosesoftware中的Rai&VanRyzin巢式模型进行化合物对动物仔代影响的危险度评价方法。

    Objective To give an introduce for applying Rai & Van Ryzin nested model of Benchmark Dose Software to affects of animal fetuses with chemicals .

  9. 把SJ模型作为船舶避碰危险度评价模型应用到基于航路的仿真系统中,并把各水域的平均SJ值作为评价危险度的指标。

    Finally , the Subject Judgement model is applied as an assessment model of ships collision avoidance , and the mean SJ value of sea areas is suggested as index of collision risk degree .

  10. 应用GIS-ANN进行土地盐碱化危险度评价&以吉林西部平原为例

    Application of GIS-ANN integrated technology to evaluating hazard degree of salt-alkalization of soil : taking west plain of Jilin Province as an example

  11. 锡矿工人接尘与矽肺危险度评价

    Assessment of dust exposure and risk of silicosis among tin miners

  12. S江水中有机毒物致肝癌的危险度评价

    Liver Cancer Risk Assessment of Organic Pollutants in the S River

  13. 用健康危险度评价方法探讨溶纤剂的卫生标准

    Study on the standard of 2-ethoxyethanol with health risk assessment method

  14. 沙漠化危险度评价模型初探

    Study on the assessment model for hazard degree of sandy desertification

  15. 我国泥石流危险度评价研究:回顾与展望

    Debris flow hazard assessment in China : a review and perspective

  16. 层次分析法在山体滑坡危险度评价中的应用

    Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in Assessment of Landslide Danger Degree

  17. 邻苯二甲酸酯类的雄性生殖发育毒性及健康危险度评价

    Male Reproductive Developmental Toxicity and Health-based Risk Assessment of Phthalates

  18. 铁路隧道工矽尘接触与矽肺危险度评价

    Risk Assessment for Silica Exposure and Silicosis of Railway Tunnellers

  19. 目的对铁路隧道工进行矽肺危险度评价。

    Objective To make silicosis risk assessment for railway tunnellers .

  20. 高层建筑火灾时烟气危害性及危险度评价

    Evaluation of smoke harm and fatalness in high-rise building fire

  21. 青岛市土壤侵蚀潜在危险度评价研究

    Appraisal and Study on Potential Danger of Soil Erosion in Tsingtao City

  22. 金沙江流域云南段泥石流危险度评价

    Evaluation of debris flow risk of Jinsha river basin in Yunnan province

  23. 区域泥石流危险度评价研究进展

    Advance in research on assessment for degree of regional debris flow hazard

  24. 城镇泥石流灾害危险度评价方法研究

    A Method of Assessment to Study the Dangerous Degrees of Debris Flows

  25. 浅析矿井瓦斯爆炸事故的危险度评价

    To simple analyze dangerous degree appraisement of damp explosion accident in mine

  26. 北京地区突发性地质灾害易发区划及危险度评价

    Regionalization of susceptibility and hazard assessment on unexpected geological disasters in Beijing

  27. 泥石流危险度评价的神经网络法

    Artificial neural network method for evaluating the dangerous degree of debris flows

  28. 大气污染健康危险度评价的方法研究

    Methodological Research on the Health-based Risk Assessment on Air Pollution

  29. 危险度评价:从人类健康到生态危害

    Risk Assessment : From Human Health to Ecological Hazards

  30. 脐带在胎儿环境污染物暴露危险度评价中的应用

    Application of umbilical cord blood in risk assessment on pollutant exposure in fetuses