
  • 网络Dangerous Love;Against all odds
  1. 信息制胜与危情控制战略

    The Strategy of Information Subduing and Dangerous Situation Control

  2. 基于目标化多数据源的快速异常危情提示处理系统

    Abnormal and hazard status fast handling system based on objective multi data sources

  3. 威尔和弗兰克索性孤注一掷,搏命上演“危情时速”,以制止这列不可阻挡的列车。

    Will and Frank put their lives on the line in a desperate attempt to stop the'unstoppable'train .

  4. 危情时刻,他第一个钻入已被挤压成麻花状的车厢里,奋力抢救受伤的中日乘客。

    Feeling threatened , he has been the first drill into the squeeze into serratula compartment , Japan to rescue injured passengers .

  5. 雪上加霜的是,专家警告入住人员,一场“完美风暴”可能让寨卡病毒危情升级。

    Meanwhile , experts are warning of a ' perfect storm " that may cause cases of the deadly Zika virus to escalate .

  6. 我们用报道来提醒我们注意那些时代中的危情和脆弱,那些时代充满了悲剧、剧和奇迹。

    We have reports that remind us of the urgency and frailty of these times & times rich with drama and comedy and wonder .

  7. 汤姆•克鲁斯每年进账月2千2百万美元,电影《危情谍战》获得了巨大成功,创下2亿2千3百万美元的票房好成绩。

    His annual income is $ 22 million and his movie Knight and Day was a huge success who earned $ 223 million at box office .

  8. 我们的读者林赛问道:嘿,我想知道你们能帮我找到《危情谍战》里头卡梅隆迪亚兹用的那个斜挎包么?

    Reader Lindsay writes , Hi , I was wondering if you could find out what crossbody bag Cameron Diaz had on in the movie Knight & Day .

  9. 娄烨在完成了《周末情人》、《危情少女》等不太成熟但很有个人风格的电影后,他将摄像机转向电影叙事本身。

    At this stage , Lou Ye made the very personal style films " Weekend Lover ", " Presumed Innocent Girl " and turned to the film narrative itself .

  10. 迈克菲公司本周四发布的这项调查显示,在带有迪亚兹名字的网站中,有十分之一的网站上含有会让电脑中毒和盗取用户数据的恶意软件。迪亚兹曾出演过影片《危情谍战》。

    One in ten websites featuring the " Knight and Day " star contain malicious software intended to infect computers and steal data from users , according to research released on Thursday by McAfee .

  11. 迪亚兹则凭借《危情谍战》和《史莱克》系列影片大赚了一笔,这两部影片的全球票房达28亿美元。

    Diaz 's pot of gold was filled with money from the " Knight and Day " and " Shrek " films , which have grossed $ 2.8 billion at the global box office .

  12. 双方蒙眼参加“心有灵犀”、“危情应对”等一系列的活动之后,选定情侣并将定情锁送给对方考试&大作为信物。

    The two parties with eyes covered participated a series of activities such as " Mind acts upon mind "," tackle danger situations ", then chose lovers and sent the love tokens to each other .

  13. 双方蒙眼参加“心有灵犀”、“危情应对”等一系列的活动之后,选定情侣并将定情锁送给对方作为信物。

    The two parties with eyes covered participated a series of activities such as " Mind acts upon mind , " " tackle danger situations , " then chose lovers and sent the love tokens to each other .

  14. 迪亚兹曾出演过影片《危情谍战》。迈克菲实验室网络安全负责人戴夫•马克斯说,恶意软件开发者用名人作为诱饵,引诱粉丝和崇拜者点击下载看似无害的内容,而这些内容包含着会盗取密码和其他私人信息以牟利的程序。

    Creators of malicious software use celebrities as lures , fans and followers to click on and download seemingly content containing programs designed to steal passwords and other private information for profit , said Dave Marcus , director of security research at McAfee Labs .