
  • 网络JAMES;William James;LeBron James
  1. 我曾经有幸和已故的哲学家C.L.R.詹姆士会面。

    I once had the privilege of meeting the late philosopher CLR James .

  2. 我为詹姆士感到高兴,他虽然是一位饱受争议的球员,但他仍斗志昂扬。

    I 'm happy for James . He 's a much-maligned player but has tremendous spirit .

  3. 我希望你的心不要太狠,詹姆士!

    I wish you would be less unkind , james !

  4. 詹姆士怒火万丈。

    The rage of James flamed high .

  5. 例句虽然詹姆士和我有很多共同的朋友,但在他成为我的邻居之前,他并没有吸引我的注意。

    James and I have some of the same friends but he wasn 't on my radar until he became my neighbour .

  6. 例句当我看到詹姆士和萨利在拉斯维加斯拍的照片时,我推断出他们之间的关系并不仅仅是朋友。

    When I saw photos of James and Sally together in Las Vegas , I put two and two together and guessed they were more than just friends .

  7. 詹姆士·B·辛格陵为美国俱乐部经理人协会的首席执行官。

    James B.Singerling is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America .

  8. 石膏(=plastercast)詹姆士掷了骰子来开始游戏。

    James cast the die to start the game .

  9. 弗吉尼亚州前任参议员詹姆士o韦伯刚刚出版了新书《我听见了祖国的召唤》(IHeardMyCountryCalling)。

    James Webb , the former senator from Virginia , just published I Heard My Country Calling .

  10. 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆士。华特森,弗朗西斯。科里克,亚瑟。科恩伯格之后在DNA的结构和复制领域有所重大发现。

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson , Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg .

  11. 上周早些时候,阿塞拜疆政府证实,它将购买圣詹姆士街(StJamesStreet)一栋1.8亿英镑的写字楼。

    Earlier this week , the government of Azerbaijan confirmed it was buying a £ 180m office block in St James Street .

  12. 詹姆士:OK,改成「很可惜,因为行程太满,我没办法出席。」让它听起来不像制式或官方说法。

    James : OK , change that to'Unfortunately , I will not be able to attend due to my busy schedule'to make it sound less like a legal document .

  13. 该项目占地1400万平方英尺,沿着泰晤士河绵延1.4英里。Quintain首席执行官马克思•詹姆士(MaxJames)表示,KnightDragon的投资标志着Quintain在试图释放该项目价值的过程中,达到了一个转折点。

    Max James , Quintain 's chief executive , said the investment from Knight Dragon marked a turning point in his company 's bid to unlock the value of the 14m sq ft scheme , which runs along 1.4 miles of the River Thames .

  14. 真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。

    Outlook of truth is the core of James ' pragmatism .

  15. 詹姆士喜欢鬼鬼祟祟地跟踪他的妹妹,这使他妹妹十分害怕。

    James loves sneaking up on his sister to frighten her .

  16. 但它包括“詹姆士?邦德”在内。

    But it 's got @ james bond @ in it .

  17. 美国现代园林设计大师&詹姆士·罗斯

    James Rose & The Master of the American Modern Landscape Architecture

  18. 詹姆士:我肯定她一定会很骄傲。

    James : I 'm sure she will be very proud .

  19. 亨利詹姆士写到“不要害怕生活”

    Henry James wrote ," be not afraid of life . "

  20. 詹姆士:你知道日本发生大灾难的新闻吗?

    James : Have you been following the disaster in Japan ?

  21. 詹姆士希望他和他父亲一起出国去就好了。

    James wishes that he had gone abroad with his father .

  22. 詹姆士在大学学了整整八年。

    James studied at the university for eight solid years .

  23. 詹姆士:我只是在想以前的情况。

    James : I was just thinking about how things were before .

  24. 詹姆士将业主及买家双方身份证复印并交还。

    James makes the copies and returns the identity cards to them .

  25. 詹姆士:亲爱的,钱不是问题。

    James : Money is not an object , honey .

  26. 詹姆士:很好。我到时再拨个电话给他。

    James : great . I 'll give him a buzz then ?

  27. 詹姆士:也许我们太草率,行动太快。

    James : Maybe we were overly hasty and acted too soon .

  28. 詹姆士:嗯,我一直在考虑我们的决定。

    James : Well , I 've been thinking about our decision .

  29. ::詹姆士:小安,别再跟洁丝抬杠了,帮我点一些新口味。

    Ann , stop bugging Jess and help me order something new .

  30. 她安慰的声音好像总算使詹姆士平静下来。

    Her comfortable voice seemed to soothe James for once .