
  • 网络Too big to fail
  1. 自此次金融危机以来,大而不倒的概念一直极具争议性,当时由于担心破产影响,美国政府对美国国际集团(AIG)进行了纾困。

    The concept of too big to fail has become hugely controversial since the financial crisis when AIG was bailed out by the US government because of fear of the consequences of its failure .

  2. 因此,金融稳定理事会(FSB)在2009年10月就曾提出《降低系统重要性金融机构道德风险的工作计划》,确立了应对金融机构大而不倒问题的总体框架。

    Hence FSB puts forward Plan of reducing the moral hazard of the Systemically Important Financial Institutions and establishes a framework against " too big to fail " .

  3. 金融机构大而不倒中的道德风险及其防范

    Moral hazard and Its Prevention in Too-big-to-fail of Financial Institutions

  4. 华尔街的改革翻过了“大而不倒”的时代。

    Wall Street Reform turned the page on the era of " too big to fail . "

  5. 但在现实中,很多银行系统大而不倒的问题仍然存在。

    But , in reality , the problem of many banking systems being too big to fail remains .

  6. 储蓄资金从货币市场基金流入银行,可能使这些本已“大而不倒”的机构变得更为庞大,进而增大系统风险。

    And the shifting of money fund deposits to banks could increase systemic risks by making too-big-to-fail institutions even larger .

  7. 系统重要性金融机构的提出实际是大而不倒金融机构问题的延伸。

    The concept of the systemically important financial institutions is actually an extension of the problem of ' too big to fail ' .

  8. 当然,这类并购也并不总是会受到欢迎。出于对大而不倒的担心以及垄断带来的负面效应,一些国家即使在面临危机严重影响时对银行并购也是持谨慎态度。

    Of course , bank merger is not always welcome because of fear for " too-big-to-fail ", and the negative effects leaded by monopoly followed by merger .

  9. 需要迅速、一致地实施全球金融改革,包括在大而不倒的机构、国际资本标准、跨境破产处置、衍生产品市场以及解决影子银行业潜在系统性风险等领域。

    Global financial reforms , including in the areas of too-big-to-fail , international capital standards , cross-border resolution , derivatives markets , and addressing the potential systemic risks in shadow banking , need to be implemented promptly and consistently .

  10. 对于银行等金融机构而言,其扮演着金融稳定器的角色,因而一定程度上会受到过度的官方保护,监管机构在政治正确的牵绊下做出选择,出现了大而不倒的现象。

    Banks and other financial institutions play the role of financial stability , so , to some extent , they are over-protected by our government , and regulatory bodies has to make a choice under the " politically correct " .