
  • 网络Purple People;Purple Man
  1. 家居用品、化妆品与包装产品已经开始以璀璨兰花紫示人。

    Housewares , cosmetics and packaging are already showing up in radiant orchid .

  2. 紫激光辐射人肺组织的光学特性

    Optical Properties of Normal and Cancerous Human Lung Tissues Irradiated by a Violet Kr ~ + Laser

  3. 此款设计精致而不张扬,风格内敛而高贵,主调紫红色给人优雅神秘,印象深刻,高贵脱俗的感觉。

    This design is delicate and not make public , collect and noble style , to elegant tone amaranth , noble and mysterious impressed refined feeling .

  4. 根据2月26日在网上皮肤病研究杂志报道,咖啡因是可以做到的,两倍多的诱导紫外暴露人的角质化细胞的凋亡。

    According to the report published online February26th by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology , caffeine did , in fact , more than double apoptosis of UVB-exposed human keratinocytes .

  5. 希腊人认为紫水晶可以防止人喝醉。

    Amethyst was believed by the Greeks to protect a person from drunkenness .

  6. 紫酱脸的人傲然问,声音宏亮而清晰。

    The purplish-faced man asked in a loud and arrogant voice .

  7. 首先,我很想知道这些持运通卡的年轻女性怎么有空玩什么紫奶牛(一些人想必都有工作、小孩、约会对象或者房子,这些都需要花时间)。

    For one thing , I would like to know how those young amex-toting women find enough spare time to play around with purple cows ( presumably some must have jobs , babies , dates or houses , which demand time ) .

  8. 在人体条件下,用荧光光谱法研究了苯酚磺酞类酸性染料苯酚红、甲酚红、氯酚红、溴甲酚紫、间甲酚紫与人血清白蛋白(HSA)之间的相互作用。

    The reactions between HSA and acidic phenolsulfonphthaleins , including phenol red , cresol red , chlorophenol red , bromocresol purple and m-cresol purple , have been investigated by fluorescence spectrometry .