
  1. 洛杉矶——导演迈克尔·曼(MichaelMann)的新片《骇客交锋》(Blackhat)是一部国际背景下的惊悚剧,讲述亦正亦邪的黑客们的故事,着手准备时,他想先研究点技术方面的基础知识。

    When the director Michael Mann began work on his new film , " Blackhat , " an international thriller about good and wicked hackers , he wanted to start by researching some technological basics .

  2. 据BBC新闻报道,41岁的英国演员汤姆·哈迪扮演了电影《毒液:致命守护者》的主人公,这是“一名亦正亦邪、带有些许反英雄意味的人物,是与大家公认的超级英雄相对的另类英雄。”

    UK actor Tom Hardy , 41 , who stars as the title character in the movie Venom , plays " a lighter antihero with both good and evil minds , who is supposed to be an alternative to the standard superhero , " reported BBC News .

  3. 这两位超级英雄面带恐吓的表情透露出他们亦正亦邪的性格。

    The menacing expression of two'superheroes'shows them as ambiguous righteous or as an evil persona .

  4. 他亦正亦邪,也曾想位列仙班,却因其父亲遭尽众神冷睛相待。

    He also is also evil , also wanted to class , but in fairy for its father was all the gods cold .

  5. 奎尔是个亦正亦邪的家伙,他在五颜六色的烟雾中战斗、开玩笑,片中有很多“山达尔人”、“魔拉格星”和“神族(令人敬畏)头颅”之类字眼。

    Quill is a good and a sometimes bad guy who fights and jokes amid swirling , polychromatic smoke and cascading words like Xandarians , Morag and the Celestial ( and awesome ) Head .

  6. 这部战争片刻画了一个亦正亦邪的主人公威廉詹姆斯(演员杰瑞米雷纳也获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角提名),他率领着一群血气方刚且自尊心极强的男队员们,在伊拉克境内执行着拆弹任务。

    The war pic features an anti-hero , William James ( Jeremy Renner who was also nominated for the Best Actor Oscar ), leading a crew of competing male egos in removing roadside bombs around Iraq .