
  1. 亦真亦幻的户外增强现实系统&圆明园的数字重建

    Outdoor augmented reality and its application in digital reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan

  2. 亦真亦幻的填满我易逝的童年。

    Living in fill my perishable childhood .

  3. 另一个是虚假的层面,纳博科夫设制了精美的陷阱暴露小说的虚假性,真实与虚假共存的小说结构造成了亦真亦幻的小说世界。

    The real and unreal structures coexist in the novel which takes us into a unique world .

  4. 亦真亦幻的说部大山水&清代小说《绿野仙踪》评析

    Also really also Imaginary Said a Big Scenery & The Qing Dynasty Novel Green Wild Immortal Trace Evaluates

  5. 从解说策略、解说节奏以及解说审美的角度对解说词进行了解读;第三章音效:亦真亦幻的听觉表达。

    It interprets the commentary from the commentary of strategy , pace and the aesthetic point . The third chapter is sound effect : living auditory expression .

  6. 而亦真亦幻的“才子佳人梦”作为中国通俗小说史上首次对情爱意识的专题探讨对《红楼梦》产生深远影响。

    Thus the " beautiful woman of and gifted scholar dream " as the first love theme in the popular novel history exerts a far-reaching influence on Dream of the Red Chamber .

  7. 川端康成笔下的死亡笼罩着恐怖的气氛,渗透着悲哀的情愫,同时也表现出了人生无常的生死观,以及死之亦真亦幻、既悲且美。

    The death described by Kawabata is shrouded with horrible atmosphere , permeated with woeful sincerity , and expresses the impermanent outlook of life and death , with alternate reality and illusory , and with grief but beauty .

  8. 英国馆展示的是一个封装起来的种子库,展馆酷似一只巨型豪猪,表面向外伸出六万根亚克力棒,能随风摇摆,使建筑看起来亦真亦幻。

    The British pavilion , displaying an encapsulated seed bank , centers on a building resembling a giant porcupine , made from 60000 acrylic rods that quiver when they catch the wind , making the building look blurry .

  9. 数码科技产品的不断涌现与数字图像处理技术的飞速发展,不仅使我们的视觉艺术张力得到了前所未有的扩充,而且使我们的生活和思维进入了亦真亦幻的想象当中。

    With the gradual increase of digital technology products and the rapid development of digital image processing technology , our visual art tension has been extending unpredictably , and our life and thinking have been falling into real and virtual imagination .

  10. “无身之身是谓真身,无形之形是谓真形”,“一沙一世界”,“无同无异,亦真亦幻”——这些话到底是什么意思呢?

    What to make of notions like " the bodiless body is the true body , and real form has no form , " or " a grain of sand the whole universe holds , " or " no difference , no sameness , real or unreal " ?