
zǐ wài guāng yuán
  • UV light source;ultraviolet source
  1. UV-LIGA技术用紫外光源代替同步辐射X光,从而以较为低廉的价格获得较大深宽比的微结构,是一项极具发展潜力的微机械加工技术。

    UV-LIGA technology uses ultraviolet source instead of X-ray generated in synchrotron radiation accelerator , and thus obtains large aspect ratio microstructures at relatively cheaper price . It is of great potential of micro fabrication technology .

  2. 其中总辐射通量是紫外光源的一项重要技术指标。

    Thereinto , radiant flax is a very important qualification of ultraviolet source .

  3. 液体微流喷射靶激光等离子体软X射线&极紫外光源研究

    Laser-produced Plasma Soft X-ray and EUV Source with Liquid Jet Target

  4. 高品质的UV紫外光源与对比增强眼镜可以让您精确定位液体或制冷剂泄漏。

    A high-quality UV light source with contrast-enhancing glasses allows you to precisely locate fluid or refrigerant leaks .

  5. 汞灯紫外光源的强度分布分析及其对PVC老化作用的研究

    Study on the UV Irradiance Distribution of Mercury Lamp and Its Effect on the Aging Behavior of PVC

  6. 紫外光源及太阳UV-B辐射的模拟实验

    Light Sources for Ultraviolet Research and Simulation of Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation

  7. 所以我们可以计算出,每个从紫外光源射出的光子,也就是e等于h乘以c除以波长。

    So we can figure out the energy of each photon emitted by our UV lamp by saying e is equal to h c over wavelength .

  8. 不同紫外光源下MnO2对光催化剂活性的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of MnO_2 on Photocatalytic Activity under Different UV Sources

  9. SU-8胶在深紫外光源下的光强分布模拟

    Simulation of the Distribution of the Deep UV Light Intensity in SU-8 PR

  10. 实验研究结果表明,外加紫外光源照射或采用太阳光联合Fenton技术其实验结果都能有效地提高Fenton试剂的降解效率。

    The experimental results indicated that UV-Fenton and solar-Fenton both could enhance effectively the removal efficiency of COD and phenol .

  11. Penning放电真空紫外光源

    Penning Discharge VUV Source

  12. 以氦灯真空紫外光源研究了辐照下n(100)硅衬底MOS样品的氧化层陷阱和Si-SiO2界面态。

    The oxide traps and Si-SiO_2 interracial states introduced in MOS samples with n ( 100 ) silicon substrate by VUV irradiation ( Helium discharge source ) are studied .

  13. 为了给维他命D的合成提供有效的紫外光源,我们研究了波长为285nm的ClF激光。

    In order to achieve the UV optical source for Vitamin D synthesis , the CIF laser at 28 nm was investigated .

  14. 准分子激光光刻是21世纪提高超大规模集成电路(VLSI)集成度的一项关键技术,而近年来基于准分子紫外光源制作光纤布拉格光栅元件(FBG)的技术日益成为国内外的研究热点。

    Excimer laser lithography is the key technology to improve VLSI integrity scale in 21 century , and fabrication of Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) based on excimer laser irradiation become the research hotspot in home and abroad .

  15. 首先分析了激光紫外光源与普通紫外光源在单色性与方向性上的差异,论证了采用激光紫外光源曝光SU-8光刻胶的优势。

    The differences of the monochromaticity and the direction of ultraviolet laser and non-laser ultraviolet source are analyzed firstly . The advantage of ultraviolet laser in exposing SU-8 photoresist is discussed .

  16. 准分子紫外光源低温生长金属薄膜本论文采用了248nm的KrF准分子紫外激光在水溶液中引发了丙烯酸的聚合反应。

    Low Temperature Photo-Induced Metal Deposition Using Excimer UV Radiation In this paper , polymerization of acrylic acid was induced by excimer laser ( 248nm ) .

  17. 然后在反应控制区域内,定量分析了紫外光源、入射光强和湿度对光催化反应的影响,得到了该TiO2薄膜的包含入射光强和湿度这两个关键影响因素在内的光催化反应速率方程。

    And then the effects of UV light sources , incident light intensity and humidity on photocatalytic removal of HCHO were analyzed quantitatively in the reaction control region to obtain the rate equation of photocatalytic reaction containing two key influencing factors : incident light intensity and humidity .

  18. 配置了两套紫外光源系统和一套试样光学性能原位测量系统,使装置具备了原子氧与紫外的协同效应,紫外光的波长为185~400nm,辐照度可达2~4个太阳常数;

    The facility is equipped with two sets of UV lights source and one suit of optical properties in-situ measurement system . The wavelength of UV lights is at the range of 200 ~ 400nm , radiation intensity is about 2 ~ 4 EUVS .

  19. 新型微波无极紫外光源用于光化学反应的综合评述

    Synthetic Review of the Microwave Electrodeless Lamp Using for Photochemical Reaction

  20. 真空紫外光源应用及高灵敏度光电探测

    Application and High Sensitive Photoelectric Detection of Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Sources

  21. 圆面紫外光源近距离辐照剂量的估算

    The estimation of the radiant dose of near the circular ultraviolet source

  22. 紫外光源的光安全性参数测量及评价方法

    Measurement and evaluation of the safety of UV light sources

  23. 一种廉价紫外光源对维生素D2合成的研究

    A New Ultraviolet Lamp for the Production of Vitamin D_2

  24. 受激喇曼效应的实验研究&为维他命D合成提供紫外光源

    Experimental Research on Stimulated Raman Effect for Vitamin D Synthesis

  25. 准连续钛宝石激光器中调谐紫外光源的产生

    Generation of Tunable Ultraviolet Sources in a Quasi cw Ti : Sapphire Laser

  26. 一种新型的紫外光源&准分子紫外灯

    New Type of Ultraviolet Light Source & Excimer Lamp

  27. 当紫外光源照射人民币时,人民币上的紫外荧光标记会被激发出可见光,紫外激发荧光是人民币检伪的重要手段之一。

    Exciting fluorescence by ultraviolet radiation is an important method of discriminating false Renminbi .

  28. 173nm真空紫外光源的研制

    Develop a 173 nm vacuum UV light source

  29. 准分子紫外光源制备磁性功能涤纶织物

    Preparation of magnetic polyester fabric with excimer lamp

  30. 准分子紫外光源对白细胞过滤用滤材的表面改性

    Research on the Surface Modification of PBT Used as Leukocyte Filter by UV Excimer Light